Title: | 國內旅客對空氣污染物認知與旅遊行為影響之探討 Domestic Tourists’ Perception of Air Pollutants and the Impacts on Travel in Taiwan |
Authors: | 林俞君 謝懷恕 周雨田 Lin, Yu-Chun Shieh, Hwai-Shuh Chou, Yen-Tien 經營管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 空氣污染物;國內觀光旅遊;旅遊行為;PM2.5;PM10 |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Abstract: | 近幾年,在政府大力推廣台灣觀光產業下,台灣國內旅遊風氣也因國人所得 水準及生活品質要求提高而漸甚。隨著全球旅遊需求逐漸提升,世界旅遊組織也 致力於主張永續旅遊發展,越來越多學術研究探討空氣污染物對於國內外旅客旅 遊行為的影響,其是否會降低永續旅遊之發展。本研究探討在國內媒體報導空氣 污染狀況後,國內旅客是否因空氣污染,對於國人的旅遊行為而有所影響。
本研究採取研究設計的方式,透過實驗(一)與實驗(二),採用問卷調查分析 進行探討,比較此二種實驗是否有所差異。共分為六個部分,為(1)國內旅遊的 意願、(2)對空氣污染物的認知、(3)空氣污染物對旅遊的影響、(4)對空氣污染 物影響的態度、(5)不同的態度所引發的結果、(6)個人基本資料。在問卷(一)、 問卷(二)的結果中,發現個別受測者其旅遊行為對於空氣污染的影響具有一定程 度相關且顯著,代表個別受測者旅遊行為確實受到空氣污染所影響。而後比較兩 份問卷的差異性,也可以從中發現顯著的差異,顯示提供相關國內空氣污染的資 訊後,確實會影響受測者的旅遊行為,但若培養受測者對空氣污染有正確認知, 則不會做出過分擔憂的行為。 Recently, there are more and more domestic tourists in Taiwan, because government promote Taiwan tourism, and people is increasing in their income level and quality of live. As global demand of tourism is increasing, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) makes more efforts on sustainable development of tourism. Lots of academic research want to understand how air pollutants impacts tourists’ behavior,. As a result, this thesis will discuss whether domestic tourists’ perception will be impacted by air pollutants and change their behavior. Our research adopted research design method, through questionnaire 1 and questionnaire 2 to analyze, and compare the difference. This research was performed based on a questionnaire survey which was composed of six parts: (1) intentions to travel to Taiwan; (2) awareness of haze pollution; (3) impacts of haze pollution on travel; (4) attitudes toward the impacts of haze pollution; (5) consequences caused by different attitudes; and (6) personal information. According to the result of questionnaire 1 and questionnaire 2, we found that air pollutants and tourists’ behavior are significantly correlated. It means individual tourists’ behavior is effected by air pollutants. There are significant differences between the results of the 2 questionnaires. The result showed that domestic tourists are effected by air pollutants ; however, when they get more correct information, they will feel safe and do less overreaction. Keyword:Air Pollutants、PM2.5、PM10、Domestic Tourism、Tourists’ behavior |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353702 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/141722 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |