標題: 人流模擬軟體應用於營建作業時程與路徑分析之探討
A Study of Vissim3D Pedestrian Simulaion on Construction Operation Scheduling and route
作者: 李俊賢
Dzeng, Ren-Jye
關鍵字: 營建作業時程;路徑;營建模擬;人流模擬軟體;Construction Operation Scheduling;route;Construction Simulation;Vissim3D Pedestrian Simulation
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 營建電腦模擬可用於解決充滿不確定性環境下之相關風險問題(Halpin and Riggs, 1992; Martinez, 1996),在營建工程之理論及實務上,包括計畫階層(project level)及工地階層(site level)之工期及成本皆為其運用之領域。但大多營建模擬軟體皆以圖形模式元件或撰寫圖形介面程式來表示欲模擬之問題,舉凡進度控制、成本控制、投標作業、工程糾紛及其他營建工程之模擬等,過往研究顯少仿真工人真實行為下,去探討營建模擬相關問題。故本研究旨在探討非營建之人流模擬軟體於營建作業時程可行性、誤差,並以店舖式大樓為例,運用縮時攝影與現場紀錄彙整出本研究探討該案例中四位工人於鋼筋工程柱作業時程,以作為人流模擬軟體參數設定之參考。 本研究結果顯示非營建之人流模擬軟體,得出仿真四位工人營建作業時程,分別誤差為=0.01%、=0.33%、=0.23%、=0.71,雖時程誤差小,但用於營建作業時程與路徑為不可行,因模擬軟體應用於人群,許多參數設定皆為定值,像是行人速率、停留時間、加上行人模擬狀態為最佳化型態,導致模擬真實情況不夠真實;還有本案例營建場域小、人數甚少、依施工依序進場等,模擬之情形不太符合此模擬軟體條件,也無法探討真實工地各種情況。
The research, taking the commercial office building for instance, is to discover the feasibility and inaccuracy of non-constructive Vissim3D Pedestrian Simulation. Under the fullness of the environmental uncertainty, Construction of Simulation is able to address risk-related issues (Halpin and Riggs,1992; Martinez, 1996). In terms of Construction-Engineering theory and practice, both schedule and cost of project level and site level are its application area as well. However, most of the Construction of Simulation is only used to test schedule controlling, cost controlling, bidding, mediation, and other construction-engineering simulation, etc. by graphic mode and graphic user interface. In order to thoroughly explain how Vissim3D Pedestrian Simulation is applied on Construction Operation Scheduling, this research has used time-lapse photography and site record to examine the reinforcement-engineering of column operation scheduling of four construction workers, as Parameters Setting Model of Vissim3D Pedestrian Simulation. The results from the non-constructive Vissim3D Pedestrian Simulation shows each error of the four workers is =0.01%, =0.33%, =0.23%, and =0.71% which proves the unfeasibility of estimating Construction Operation Scheduling. Although the errors are minor, it is still not feasible to apply on Construction Operation Scheduling and route. Vissim3D Pedestrian Simulation is utilized on people; therefore, the majority of Parameters Setting Model is fixed value such as the speed of pedestrian, the length of stay, and the optimization of stimulating passersby. It leads to unrealistic situation. In addition, the size of the example, the number of the target people, and the order of the construction etc. Are inconsistent with the conditions of the Vissim3D Pedestrian Simulation; hence, it cannot investigate the real situation in the construction site.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070451230