標題: 人行道服務水準評估之研究
Evaluation of Level of Service for Pedestrian Facilities
作者: 黎韋利
Li Wei Li
Cheng -Min Feng
關鍵字: 模糊理論;人行道;服務水準;評估;fuzzy theory;pedestrian facilities;level of service;evaluation
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 傳統人行道服務水準評估方法多以車流理論為基礎,利用密度、流量、速率等易於量化之指標,做為衡量人行道服務水準滿意與否的考量依據,其甚少顧及行人對人行道設施之主觀認知。由於傳統人行道服務水準評估方法,未考慮行人主觀的感受,故各服務水準等級臨界值多為規劃者主觀之判定,因此評估結果可能會與行人本身主觀感受認知有所差距,甚至造成評估結果無法完全被大眾所認同。本研究嘗試以行人主觀感受為出發點,透過客觀衡量服務水準之指標並考量環境因素後,應用模糊理論構建一套兼具主觀性與客觀性之人行道服務水準評估方法。 本研究先透過第一階段問卷訪談,比較分析不同屬性行人之主觀認知服務水準等級是否有所差異,進而利用所得之問卷資料,以模糊方法結合不同屬性行人的感受,以建立人行道服務水準評估模式。而後再透過第二階段之問卷訪談,以驗證本研究所構建模式之可靠性,並藉此比較主、客觀評估模式之差異。 本研究結果發現,不同屬性行人對人行道服務水準之感受有明顯的不同;以模糊理論構建之評估模式有較高之正確判定率(83.33%),此證實以行人主觀感受為出發點的評估方法較傳統之評估方法更能真切反應行人之主觀認知感受。
Conventional evaluation of level of service for pedestrian facilities was based on traffic flow theory in which some quantitative indices such as density , volume , speed , were used to evaluate level of service of pedestrian facilities. Since conventional method did not reflect pedestrians* true experiences, the level of service was judged from planner*s subjective knowledge. To consider subjective experiences of pedestrians, this study tried to use fuzzy theory to construct evaluation of level of service for pedestrian facilities. This study first compared and analyzed subjective attitudes of different individuals using pedestrian facilities , and constructed a fuzzy evaluation model through the interview data. The model was then justified by using the second tested questionnaire data. In addition, the comparison of fuzzy and traditional evaluating model was conducted. The study concluded that the subjective responses from different individuals using pedestrian facilities were different, and the model using fuzzy theory had more correct judgement rate(83.33%) .