DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorPan, Hui-Sanen_US
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Ta-Hoen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 現今台灣客家舞蹈,目前已朝向多元發展,台灣客家現代舞劇由客家舞蹈發展出來多元且創新的舞蹈,並加上完整故事內容所編創的舞蹈戲劇。而在客家現代舞劇中除了舞蹈藝術外,它還包括多元客家藝術。基此,藉由築夢舞集及化踊舞輯的客家現代舞劇為例,分析台灣客家現代舞劇的創作方法,並提供舞蹈工作者及編創者作參考。本研究以質性研究方法為主,藉由文獻分析客家藝術符號及使用符號論來做二個舞團的客家現代舞劇之文本分析,再以深度訪談探究其創作過程。透過訪談、分析、整理築夢舞集及化踊舞輯所創作客家現代舞劇之方法有以下發現: 一、因傳統客家舞蹈已無法滿足編創者自身對於客家情感的詮釋與表達,加上編創者們都受過很多類型的舞蹈訓練,因此藉由客家現代舞劇的多元呈現,表達客家整體文化故事的深度及廣度。 二、客家現代舞劇目的透過統整客家文化,從客家族群的集體意識開始,利用史詩找尋自我的定位,利用現代人的觀點使用倒敘的編創手法詮釋過去渡台的遷徙史。 三、客家現代舞劇在形式上沒有特定分為幾幕,時間上編舞者認為90分鐘的演出長度,對觀眾來說是最適合的。 四、客家現代舞劇已跳脫傳統客家舞蹈的形式,融入肢體的力與美,利用抽象形式表現情感 五、藉由Langer的符號論,透過訪談可以知道舞者在舞劇中的情感詮釋是實在的動作卻是虛幻的自我表現。 六、在客家現代舞劇中,為了呈現出東方的意象的動作符號,會看見雲手、圓、蝶姿。 七、在舞蹈符號上,可以看見象徵客家女性自擾的反覆旋轉動作、象徵客家大男人性格的揮巴掌動作。 八、在客家現代舞劇中一定會使用客家音樂符號,但其形式不侷限客家傳統音樂。 九、在客家現代舞劇中,在舞台與舞台符號及道具會呈現出客家意象,如三合院、曬福菜、採茶。 十、在客家現代舞劇中可以看見族群象徵的服裝符號,如大襟衫、藍衫、大襠褲。 十一、目前客家現代舞劇發展鮮明的獨特性,客家現代舞劇為現代人對於客家的情感,使用現代編創手法融入傳統客家舞蹈所編創之舞劇,不侷限於使用哪一類型的舞蹈。 關鍵字:客家現代舞劇、符號論、客家藝術、築夢舞集、化踊舞輯zh_TW
dc.description.abstract台灣客家現代舞劇之探究 Abstract Now Hakka dancing in Taiwan has turned towards diversified development. Hakka modern dancing drama in Taiwan bases on it to innovate. Therefore, Hakka modern dancing drama contains Hakka life, Hakka story, Hakka legend, Hakka spirit, and Hakka culture. However, Hakka modern dancing drama is not only dance art but also multiple Hakka art. According to elements of Hakka modern dancing drama, there are two samples, which are Trans -for-dancing Dance Company and Ju meng Dance theater, to analyze Creative methods Of Hakka modern dancing drama. Furthermore, it would like to be a reference for dancers and choreographers. This study is qualitative research. In terms of document analysis and semiology, it is going to discuss two samples. The discussion is about scripts of Hakka modern dancing drama and then would interview with creators to understand innovative process. The study has ten findings via interview, analysis, and collections of scripts of two samples, as below, 1. Because the traditional Hakka dance has been unable to meet the author's own interpretation and expression of the Hakka emotions, and the writers have received many types of dance trainings, so depth and breadth of Hakka cultural stories are shown through the Hakka modern dancing drama. 2. The purpose of Hakka modern dancing drama in Taiwan is to keep records of Hakka culture. Hakka modern dancing drama in Taiwan involves elements of Hakka collective consciousness, telling Hakka epic via flashback methods.In addition, Hakka modern dancing drama in Taiwan pursues the position of Hakka spirts in history of early migration from the viewpoint of modern people. 3. Hakka modern dancing drama does not have rules for intervals. The length of drama is 90 minutes, and would be suitable for audience. 4. Hakka modern dancing drama in Taiwan is now out of traditional one. Moreover, it mixes power and beauty as well as abstract movements. 5. In terms of Langer’s semiology, the emotion of dancers is really. However, actions are illusory but it is one kind of self-expression. 6. Hakka modern dancing drama in Taiwan show oriental signal of movements as waving hands like clouds, circle movement, and butterfly gesture. 7. In Hakka modern dancing drama in Taiwan, it has female dancer was spinning and circling in confused state that symbolizes male is chauvinism and slaps face of female. 8. Hakka modern dancing drama in Taiwan must accompany with Hakka traditional or contemporary music. 9. In Hakka modern dancing drama in Taiwan, the stage props displays Hakka signal for examples Three Gathering Courtyard、Bask Fu-Tsai and Pick-Tea. 10. In Hakka modern dancing drama in Taiwan, the costumes showss Hakka signal for examples Da-Jin-Shan、Blue Blouse and Da-Dan-Ku. 11. Until now, Hakka drama dancing in Taiwan has owned its specific characteristics. However, it still strives for Hakaness spirits, modern choreography blended with traditional Hakka dance, and various dancing categories. keyword:Hakka modern dancing drama, Semiology, Hakka art ,Ju meng Dance theate, Trans -for-dancing Dance Companyen_US
dc.subjectHakka modern dancing dramaen_US
dc.subjectHakka arten_US
dc.subjectJu meng Dance theateen_US
dc.subjectTrans -for-dancing Dance Companyen_US
dc.titleThe study of Hakka modern dancing drama in Taiwanen_US