標題: 圖像符號辨識率檢驗與錯誤混淆原因分析 ─以桃園捷運及台灣高速鐵路為例
A Study of Graphical Symbol Recognition Rate and Analysis of Error and Confusion by Using Taoyuan Metro and Taiwan High Speed Railways for Examples.
作者: 周孚衡
Chou, Fu-Heng
Lee, Rong-Gui
關鍵字: 圖像符號;辨識率;認知性測試;台灣高鐵;桃園捷運;graphical symbol;comprehension rate;comprehension test;Taiwan Railways;Taoyuan Metro
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本論文針對台灣高鐵及桃園捷運所使用之圖像符號,採取ISO認證之「Comprehension test」手法,分析「非」延用自國際組織的圖像符號是否達到最低可接受標準(67%),並同時檢驗相同意涵但呈現方式不同的國際圖像符號,依照辨識率的不同以及比較的結果,替國內的圖像符號評等並進行原因分析和後續改善探討。
The study is focus on graphical symbol of Taiwan Railways and Taoyuan Metro. Use “Comprehension test” of ISO for method and analyze these graphical symbols’ comprehension rate which are not derived from international symbol organization. And analyze international graphical symbol which are same meaning but different graphics. For those graphical symbol don’t reach the 67% comprehension rate, this paper will give a full study and improved advices.
The study shows that there are 14 graphical symbols don’t reach the standard (ATM, Money exchange, Car-parking, Shop, Meeting room, Bicycle rent, Taipei metro, Automatic ticket machine, Travel service counter, Meeting point, Restroom for parents with infants, Temporary transfer area, Police, Ticket gate).6 graphical symbols are recommend to use ISO’s or AIGA’s instead, and other 8 graphical symbols will be given full analysis with volunteer’s feedback.
This study will classify these graphical symbols into two groups, one is “design property” and the other is “unique property”. After study we figure out that two classes are not significant different, but these two classes still have 14% different at comprehension rate.
This study gives three conclusions, first is ”comprehension rate of graphical symbol is
moderate positive correlation with familiarity”, which is proofed by other studies. Second is “average comprehension rate of graphical symbol in Taiwan don’t reach standard”, shows that there’s still large room for improvement. The last conclusion is “Unique graphical symbol for some area is still accepted” , but need to be tested to check if the unique graphical symbol meet the standard rate.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453306