標題: 台灣高鐵與路網達成綜效之策略分析
Strategic Analysis to Achieve Synergy of the Railway Network with Taiwan High Speed Rail
作者: 陳文超
Chen, Wen-Chau
Chung, Hui-Min
關鍵字: 台灣高鐵;交通網絡發展;鐵路產業;高鐵行銷;存量效果;高鐵營運績效;大眾運輸;捷運/輕軌運輸;旅客期望;高鐵轉乘;觀光產業;路網建設研發;Railway Network;Taiwan High speed Rail;transport industry;synergy of the road network;railway network;IFRS;urban transportation system;THSR
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 回顧台灣交通發展策略史,百餘年前之台灣自1893年起即開始發展佈建南北縱貫鐵路,1945年起公路系統轉為台灣交通發展主流方向,此期間鐵道建設被忽略了半世紀,2007年台灣高鐵通車,革命性之交通移動速度轉變了全民對行動運具選擇之改變,重新喚起鐵道系統及各種運輸工具之分工整合需求,在能源及土地資源缺少之台灣,完整之大眾運輸建設更趨迫切,而高速鐵路串聯台灣南北形成高速大眾運輸網路之主幹,正是改變台灣交通文化之關鍵點。 鑒於提昇高鐵營運績效及網絡綜效,特研究分析臺灣鐵路網絡現況,將優勢及機會點突顯以做為政府及交通產業界參考整合,並以問卷訪談方式探討企業精英層對台灣大眾運輸系統之期許,進行分析提昇高鐵營運及整體路網綜效之方向。相較在歐日先進國家鐵道系統以區鐵為基礎,漸次佈建高速鐵路系統進而拉近城際間之距離,而臺灣在區域性鐵道之建設上有前述數十年之空窗期,此為高鐵營運主要障礙,高鐵通車後正是政府積極推動大眾運輸整合之時機,區域捷運及輕軌系統應密集佈建方為提升總體路網綜效之根本。而在未有完整接駁系統狀態下辛苦經營之高鐵,透過各種行銷手法及自力解決巴士接駁之方式提升運量、積極整頓內部財務、協調政府調整利息結構及折舊方式以支撐維持資金之調度及營運,由高鐵財報數據看出以上作為已初具成效,又國際會計準則IFRS之實施在即,特定資產折舊方式之合理化為再次提升高鐵營運績效之契機。 本研究對高鐵未來營運之遠景亦有獨到觀點,期望以百年企業為標竿成立站區開發暨路網開發子公司以利傳承軌道建設成功經驗,積極發展區域路網系統。當前台灣正值服務業時代來臨,人員交流活動之效率為經濟產值提升之要件,便捷之城鄉與都市發展有賴提升路網綜效帶動服務業升級,台灣成為新世紀最適合居住/觀光/商旅的大眾運輸先驅寶島指日可待。
Looking back at the history of transport development strategy, since 1893 to build north-south railway system in Taiwan, the highway system is constructed from 1945, during the period, railway construction was ignored for half a century. In 2007, a revolutionary change in the choice of the transportation occurred when Taiwan High speed Rail system operated. Due to lack of energy and land resources in Taiwan, the integrity of the public transport infrastructure becomes more urgent. Noting the high-speed rail operating performance, I especially do the research and analysis of Taiwan railway network status, highlight the advantages and opportunities point as the information integration for the government and transport industry, and do questionnaire interviews of the expectations of business elite for the Taiwan public transport system, analyze high-speed rail operations and improve the overall synergy of the direction of the road network. The advanced rail system in Europe and Japan develop after the local railway systems are fully constructed, however in Taiwan, the regional railway construction ceases for decades .This study suggests the government should be actively promoting the integration of public transport, regional rapid transit and light rail systems to improve the overall synergy of the fundamental railway network. Without a complete network system, the high-speed rail co.works hard through various marketing techniques and self-solve ways to enhance the transport capacity of bus connections, and activates internal financial consolidation, to support the maintenance of capital depreciation. In recent years, the implementation of the IFRS is around the corner, and then adjusting the depreciation method of the high-speed rail is another opportunity to improve the financial performance. In this study, the vision of high-speed rail for future is also unique perspectives, hoping to make the high-speed rail last, I suggest to set up railway network development subsidiary to transmit successful experience in track construction, and actively develop the road network system. Coincided with the era of service in Taiwan, the efficiency of person activities enhances economic value. Conveniences of urban transportation system depend on improved road network synergy to upgrade services and enable Taiwan to become a pioneer island for living, traveling and business traveling.