Title: 高速鐵路運輸需求尖離峰特性之研究
The Study of Exploring the Peak Characteristic for the High Speed Rail System in Taiwan
Authors: 吳舜丞
Shuen-cheng Wu
Dr. Hsin-Li Chang
Keywords: 高速鐵路;尖峰;運輸需求;High Speed Railway;Peak;Transportation Demand
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 高速鐵路之規劃興建提供台灣西部運輸走廊一項快速且準確之新城際運具,也因其速度快且運量大之特性,將使台灣西部都會區間之運輸型態呈現不一樣之風貌。由於高速鐵路快速穿越台灣南北,旅行時間相對大量縮減,旅行者在參與城際運輸時具有相對較高之時間選擇彈性,高速鐵路之運量時間分佈型態將因此而明顯異於現有鐵公路與航空運輸時間,深究高速鐵路在日間不同時段所呈現之運量分佈情形,將有助於營運與排班策略之參考。本研究透過系統分析,從活動類型深入探討城際運輸旅行者之出發時間選擇偏好,繼而經由實驗設計與訪問調查獲取研究所需之資訊,並藉助整合技術之加總以推估高速鐵路旅次分佈之尖峰性。
The recently-proposed High Speed Rail system (HSR) is an important transportation project in Taiwan. Since HSR can provide the fast intercity transportation service, which would greatly change the whole transportation behavior and the life styles between metropolitans in the west area of Taiwan, the HSR issues have been widely and deeply discussed.
This research aims to explore the peak demand characteristics of HSR, which involve the issues of time preference and time available to travelers. Based on discrete choice model, this study investigates the departure time choice of the individual travelers of HSR, by which the time preference of individual is obtained. The peak characteristics of the HSR in Taiwan are therefore recognized after gathering the time preference of individual by using market-share aggregation model.
The contents of this study mainly include three parts, i.e. the discrete choice behavior analysis, activity-pattern analysis, and the aggregation model applications. This study provides the information of the number of riderships by different periods of time of a day, which may help operators for arranging the staff shifting and the service timetable.
Appears in Collections:Thesis