Title: | 高速鐵路高次諧波諧振現象及電磁干擾對特定對象之研究 A Study of High Order Harmonic Resonance Phenomena in |
Authors: | 賴盈霖 Lai, Ing Lin 張志揚 Chi-Yang Chang 電信工程研究所 |
Keywords: | 高速鐵路;電磁干擾;諧波;High Speed Rail;Electromagnetic;Harmonic |
Issue Date: | 1996 |
Abstract: | 本論文之主旨在於瞭解高速鐵路電磁干擾特性、建立分析數學模式與整 理國外相 關電磁干擾之法規及標準,以提供未來作為進行高鐵 電磁干擾對環境影響的評估之參考依據。經參考整理日本(新幹線)、德 國(ICE) 、法國(TGV)及我國台鐵系統之電磁干擾現象及相關文件後,本 論文之研究重點為:電力系統可能產生之電磁干擾效應及其影響干擾效應 之因素、車輛集電系統產生之電磁干擾現象、預估高速鐵路營運後對中正 機場雷達及儀降系統(ILS)之影響、與高鐵營運後對科學園區磁場干擾之 分析等,並與歐美相關EMI規範標準做一比較,藉此研討可能產生之影響 ,以提供交通部高速鐵路工程局作為檢討及規劃防治策略之參考。 The main purpose of this thesis is to be used as a guideline in the study of environmental impact of the High Speed Rail(HSR) electromagnetic interference(EMI). Understanding the characteristics of the EMI, building the mathematical analysis model and summarizing the related regulations and standards are the major works of this study. Based on the extensive study in SKS system(Japan), ICE sys-tem(German), TGV system(France) and Taiwan Railway system, following topics are covered in this thesis. The study on possible EMI and its dependence factor which is due to power system. The study on the EMI which is caused by power collection system of the electrical locomotive. The study on radar and instrument landing systems(ILS) in CKS airport, which may be influenced by EMI of HSR. The analysis of the magnetic interference which may influence the Hsinchu Science Based Industrial Park after the operation of the High Speed Rail. Comparisons between EMI standards will also be done and it may be used as the foundations of EMI planning, evaluation and prevention for the Engineering Bureau of High Speed Rail, Ministry of Transportation and Communication. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/62104 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |