Title: 高速鐵路饋電系統對通信線路及油氣管道之電磁干擾研究
Effects of Electromagnetic Interference of Electric Power Feeding System of High Speed Railays on Telecommunication Lines and Oil Pipeline
Authors: 蔡嘉德
Tsai, Gar-Der
Tarng Jenn-Hwan
Keywords: 高速鐵路;電磁干擾;通信線路;油氣管線;High speed railways;electromagnetic;telecommunication Line;oil-pipeline
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 高速鐵路在未來五年內,為我國之重大建設之一,由於高鐵屬於大電
力、大電流 及高速度之系統,所以會對鄰近區域之設施產生電磁汙
染,因此,政府必須制定 規範以確保社會安全。本研究主要在於探
討高速鐵路之饋電系統對於鄰近通信線 路及油氣管線所產生的電磁
干擾現象,並提出預防其電磁干擾所應採取之對策。 吾人先利用克
流分佈 ,而進一步求得鐵軌遮蔽係數。吾人將所得之結果與台鐵參
考資料及 CCITT Directives Volume II [12]進行驗證,
發現其準確度均屬合理範圍。 最後吾人將已得證之計算公式應用
在計算油氣管線上之感應電壓,並探討為了 符合國際安全規定下
In this paper, effects of electromagnetic interference (EMI)
of high speed railways (HSR) on telecommunication lines
and oil pipelines are investigated. The electric
power feeding system of the HSR, the source of EMI,
will induce interference voltage on neighboring
telecommunication lines or underground oil pipelines. Carson&
Pollaczek's ground return impedance theory is employed to
calculate the induced voltage. The calculated induced
voltage is compared with the value shown in CCITT
Directives and
consistent agreement is illustrated. In our study, the screening
effect due to the conducting railway, which can reduce the
interference, is also explored. It is found that induced
longitudinal and transverse voltages are smaller than 60
V and 1 mV due to HSR can be ignore, when the
telecommunication lines run parallel to power line with 1000A
current and are shorter than 1.28 Km and 0.693 Km. To
underground oil pipelines, the conductive
interference is much larger than the inductive
interference. Our
results have been compared with CCITT Directives VolumeII.
Appears in Collections:Thesis