標題: 漢語副詞 「一起」與「在一起」的語意探討
The Semantics of Yiqi and Zaiyiqi in Mandarin
作者: 劉盈廷
Liu, Ying-Ting
Liao, Hsiu-Chen
關鍵字: 語意;漢語副詞;一起;在一起;多義詞;Semantics;Mandarin Adverbs;Yiqi;Zaiyiqi;Together;Polysemic Adverbs
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究以語意學為本,試圖從動詞語意的差異與漢語多義副詞「一起」互動中探討漢語副詞「一起」其多種語意的內涵與關聯。據觀察,漢語副詞「一起」、「在一起」,與相對應的英文副詞together皆擁有不全相同的句法分布,藉由結合句法與語意,本文欲探索漢語多義副詞「一起」和「在一起」所包含的多個詞意在其相對應語法呈現上其語意與帶入的動詞語意互動連結關係。本研究提出「一起」的核心語意分為二:其一,為表達同一時空範圍下發生數件事件,主事者們於事件中同一時空範圍下執行某活動。(如:小明和小華一起打了噴嚏)。其二,則表達同一時空範圍下發生團隊事件,主事者們於事件中有相關聯同一時空範圍下執行某活動。(如:小明和小華一起吃晚餐)。以此兩事件為多義副詞「一起」的語意概念,本文提出藉由不同的動詞語意內涵 (Predicates with/without volition feature]) 與多義副詞「一起」的互動可投射出不同的語意內涵。此外,漢語多義副詞「一起」分析亦可延伸分析至漢語多義副詞「在一起」,因此,本研究提出「在一起」的核心語意也分為二: 其一,為表達數件事件發生所在地點緊鄰 (如:小明和小華摔在一起)。其二,則表達數件事件發生所在地點緊鄰,主事者們於事件中有團體關係執行活動。(如: 小明和小華走在一起)。以同一時空範圍下發生數件事件及其可能隱含團隊關係的語意面相出發,本文提出「一起」和「在一起」將藉由不同的句法分布與動詞的語意互動而延展出多個語意,其中包含「時空近」Spatio-temporal reading, 「相約」Social accompaniment reading, and「偕同」Coordinated action reading之語意內涵。本研究著眼於「一起」語意與動詞語意互動並佐以大量語料證明,為漢語多義副詞「一起」和「在一起」所展現之多個語意面向提出有系統性的動詞語意分類及動詞與「一起」連結分析,且結合語言學上語法與語意之互動,為提供良好證明。 關鍵詞: 漢語副詞,語意學,多義詞,一起,在一起  
The thesis studies on the two collectivizing adverbs: yiqi and zaiyiqi in Mandarin. This study finds out that yiqi and zaiyiqi are found to describe many events which takes place at the common time and space, and probably implies a social relation between the plural subject NP in some cases. This study aims to explore the semantics of yiqi and zaiyiqi. It is argued that yiqi shows different semantics licensed by taking a predicate with or without volition feature. This study proposes that there are two yiqis: yiqi1 describes the spatio-temporal proximity of events (e,g., Xiaoming han Xiaohua yiqi da penti小明和小華一起打了噴嚏 ‘Xiaoming and Xiaohua emitted sneezes together.’). Yiqi2 describes the spatio-temporal proximity of events and turns the plural subject NP into a team. ((e,g., Xiaoming han Xiaohua yiqi chi wan can 小明和小華一起吃晚餐 ‘Xiaoming and Xiaohua have dinner together.’). Otherwise, this study uses our semantic analysis of yiqi to discuss the semantics of zaiyiqi. It proposes that there are also two zaiyiqis: zaiyiqi1 describes the close places of events taking place (e,g., Xiaoming han Xiaohua shuai zaiyiqi小明和小華摔在一起 ‘Xiaoming and Xiaohua tumbled together.’). Zaiyiqi2 describes the close places of events taking place and turns the plural subject NP into a team. ((e,g., Xiaoming han Xiaohua zou zaiyiqi小明和小華走在一起 ‘Xiaoming and Xiaohua walked together.’). Start from spatio-temporal proximity implying a team relation between the entities denoted by the plural subject NP, this study proposes that the semantic-to-syntactic correlations of yiqi/ zaiyiqi and the effect of predicates license different meanings of yiqi/ zaiyiqi including spatio-temporal proximity and some sort of coordinated reading. This study provides a clear analysis to demonstrate the semantics of yiqi/ zaiyiqi and provides lots of data that prove our proposal. Key words: Mandarin adverbs, Semantics, Mandarin yiqi, Mandarin zaiyiqi, Together, Polysemic adverbs  
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359016
Appears in Collections:Thesis