Title: 推動我國運輸安全管制之影響評估分析
The Impact Assessment for Promoting Transportation Safety and Security Regulations
Authors: 吳晉光
Wu, Jinn-Guang
Chang, Hsin-Li
Keywords: 運輸安全管制;法規影響評估;軌道運輸安全;優質企業;Rasch模式;Transportation safety regulations;Regulatory impact assessment;Railway transportation safety;Authorized economic operators;Rasch model
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 由於政府推動運輸安全管制措施將會對民眾、運輸業、行政機關等造成相當程度之影響,故有必要建立影響評估機制,藉以瞭解安全管制措施受影響範圍與程度,有效達到管制之目標。目前OECD已要求其會員國,對於管制政策除要落實民主監督之法制精神外,對於快速變遷與多元的外在環境,亦要兼顧及保障政策推動過程中各利害關係人的權益,確實落實RIA (Regulatory Impact Assessment) 機制,藉以提升政府管制措施的品質。
Since the transportation safety regulations being promoted by the government will have considerable impact on the public, the transportation industry, and administrative offices, there is a compelling need to establish an RIA (Regulatory Impact Assessment) mechanism, in order to understand the scope and extent of the regulations’ impact and to effectively meet the regulatory objectives. At present, the OECD already requested its member countries regulations not only implement the democratic supervision’s spirit of legality, but to also consider and protect the interests of all the stakeholders during the policy promotion process amidst the rapidly changing and external environment. The RIA mechanism should indeed be implemented to elevate the quality of the regulations.

This thesis first reviews the theoretical evolution of RIA, collating information on how other countries promoted RIA, and gathering impact assessment on some countries’ transport infrastructure projects. Next, it proposes future transportation safety regulations including transportation safety management, logistics security management, increasing transportation industry safety costs or operational difficulties, subsidy or tax break, local government law enforcement and check, administrative offices transportation safety equipment procurement, and transportation technology adjustment. Moreover, it proposes mid and long-term policy plans for transportation safety, recommending that all should conduct RIA prior to promotion and do this step by step from "policy analysis", "policy evaluation", "administrative inspection", to "performance assessment".

Next, this thesis uses promotion of “Taiwan railway transportation system safety supervision and verification” and “AEO (Authorized Economic Operators) validation programs” as examples, studying the before and after impact assessment of promoting transportation safety regulations. In the promotion of Taiwan railway transportation system safety supervision and verification portion, this research focuses on the policy analysis and policy evaluation, systematically proceeding to analysis RIA, discussing how to establish railway transportation system safety verification and validation, operation standards, and supervision and management system in the related regulations. It also evaluates the findings and establishes that the economic benefits of promoting the railway supervision and verification system outweigh the administrative investment costs. In the AEO validation programs portion, this research focuses on the performance evaluation of the regulation after promotion, probing whether the ability of the company can meet the validation criteria. This research uses the Rasch model to evaluate the impact of AEO validation programs on firms. The result shows that a company’s ability to obtain AEO validation was found to be positively correlated with a company’s turnover volume and its number of staff.

This thesis believes that the objective behind promoting transportation safety regulations assessment mechanism is nothing more than to elevate the quality of regulations, to ensure that the benefits outweigh the investment costs, and to strengthen the democratic communication mechanism. After implementing the transportation safety regulations, post-implementation impact assessment should still be done regularly to measure the effectiveness of the regulation mechanism’s implementation and evaluate whether the government’s promotion achieved its regulatory objectives. This kind of process not only emphasizes the establishment of a specialized evaluation method for transportation safety regulations promotion, but also attaches importance to the open and transparent feedback gathering during the policy development process. This is also how the governments are enforcing the law and regulations. Hopefully, this thesis may become a basis for RIA research to encourage the government to conduct further RIA research as a follow-up.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070483601
Appears in Collections:Thesis