Title: 雙頻可開關式頻率可調濾波器
Switchable and Tunable Dual-Band Filter
Authors: 胡巧宜
Hu, Chiao-Yi
Chang, Chi-Yang
Keywords: 可調;可開關;濾波器;變容二極體;Tunable;Switchable;Filter;Varactor
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本論文提出可開關的雙頻頻率可調濾波器,結合開關與可調濾波器,運用鑲嵌在濾波器結構中的變容二極體的特性,透過改變變容二極體的偏壓,作為關閉、單頻與雙頻三種組態的切換方法。 本設計以柴比雪夫二階濾波器為理論基礎,加上逆偏壓操作之變容二極體其電容值隨偏壓而改變的特性,構成頻率可調濾波器,並且以五十歐姆傳輸線並聯兩組濾波器,形成可雙頻操作的結構。整體電路以微帶線實現,使用的基板為Rogers RO4003C,厚度為20 微英吋,介電係數為3.55。
In this study, a switchable and tunable dual-band filter is proposed. Combining switches and tunable filters, the circuit can operate in three different modes (off / single-band / dual-band) by changing the bias of varactors embedded in the structure. The design of tunable filter is based on second-order type I Chebyshev filters and vatactors which can be considered as voltage-controlled capacitors. The structure of dual-band filter is formed by connecting two filters in parallel with 50-ohm lines. The circuit in this study is fabricated with microstrip line on a RO4003C substrate with thickness of 20 mil and dielectric constant of 3.55.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070360315
Appears in Collections:Thesis