標題: 五位母語為中文的交換學生在英國的動機、挑戰與轉變
Five Chinese-Speaking Exchange Students’ Sojourning Experiences in the UK: Motivations, Challenges and Transformations
作者: 李思芬
Lee, Szu-Fen
Yang, Fang-Ying
關鍵字: 出國留學;交換學生;調整;個案研究;Study abroad;Exchange student;Adjustment;Case study
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 出國交換近年來被視為外語學習者培養外語能力的好方法。自從1987年伊拉史莫斯計畫(ERASUS)以來,已經有許多交換學生的研究。本研究探討五位中國與台灣大學生與碩士交換生(三位來自中國,兩位來自台灣)主修分別為英國文學、戲劇、銀行、金融、時尚設計在英國大學的交換學生於2013年4月到6月在英國當交換生的經驗。 本研究採用質性研究,研究工具為問卷、課堂與社交生活觀察、兩次分別為學期初與學期末訪談,觀察後的訪談,以及與交換學生的同學或老師的訪談。藉由分析資料,本研究討論以下幾點:中國與台灣大學交換生動機,遇到的困難與挑戰,應對的方式,以及過程中的改變、成長與轉變。 本研究結果發現中國與台灣交換生選擇到英國交換的動機主要為學術目的,但中國與台灣交換學生學術目的不同,中國學生多為已下定決心念英國研究所,其交換目的為研究所申請;台灣學生則為探尋未來學業與專業的可能性。 在適應環境上,中國與台灣交換學生都遇到相似的困難,主要為學業上的障礙與英語能力的不足。雖然有著語言不足,交換學生卻能在社交生活上無顯著適應困難。然而也因同國友人的相伴,他們在當地融入語言與社會文化上,獲得資源較少。在適應方式上,部分學生參與教會活動,藉由這樣的機會與不同國家的學生與當地的人民互動,並獲得語言練習與文化理解的機會。中國與台灣交換生在交換生活最終感受到自己獲得進步的英語能力、擴大的社會文化理解、新的學業成就。更重要是,他們透由實際體驗自己國家與英國生活與教育的優缺點,因而對自己國家產生不同的的觀點。 本質性研究闡述中國與台灣交換學生交換的動機對適應方式的影響,以及不同適應方式獲得的成長,並對提供有計畫到英國交換的中國與台灣交換學生交換生涯的藍圖,包含學業、社會適應的挑戰、相關的應對的方法與成長。本研究期望能協助中國與台灣交換學生提早了解在英國的學業、社會學習適應挑戰、可能的應對方式、可使用的資源,使其交換生涯更能達成理想。最後,依據結果討論,對交換機關、交換國家教師進一步提供相關建議。
The opportunity of exchanging abroad has been regarded as a great method for foreigners to cultivate linguistic competence. Since the ERASUS program started in 1987, there has been a great deal of research into overseas exchanges. This present study explored the experiences of five Chinese-speaking exchange students who majored in different areas including English literature, drama, banking, finances, and fashion design, from April to June 2013 in a UK university. A qualitative method was used, and data were collected through a questionnaire, classroom/life observations, two interviews at the beginning and end of the semester, post-observation interviews, and interviews with the students’ classmates and tutors. Through the data analysis, the study discussed the following: the difficulties and challenges the students encountered, their coping strategies, the changes they underwent, the growth in their academic abilities, and the transformative process. The results of the study showed that these Chinese-speaking exchange students were highly motivated by their academic objectives, even though they had different academic purposes. Most mainland Chinese students pursue postgraduate degrees in the UK, therefore the purpose of this study is aimed at benefiting future postgraduate students, whereas Taiwanese students utilize exchange opportunities in order to explore the future academic and professional possibilities. Both mainland Chinese and Taiwanese students face similar difficulties particularly with respect to their academic activities and language acquisition. Although all students had linguistic deficiencies, the adaptations of social life were not difficult because their compatriots could give them social and academic assistance; however, because they, also, were immersed in a different linguistic and cultural world, their support was limited. Some students took part in church-based activities in order to practice English and gain intercultural understanding through authentic interactions with other international students or local people. By this means they improved their English and enlarged their socio-cultural understanding alongside newly-gained academic knowledge. As importantly, they saw the advantages and disadvantages of life and education in the UK, thereby cultivating different perspectives on their own countries. This qualitative study illustrated learners’ motivations and their personal growth brought about by finding different ways to adapt, thereby providing a blueprint for educational and social challenges in the UK for all future Chinese and Taiwanese exchange learners, and it also cast a light on the different ways they found to adapt and grow. The study was also intended to help future students, in advance, to understand the challenges they would be facing in British academic and social life, and the possible adaptations they might make, and the resources they may need to. Finally, the study would hopefully indicate the pedagogical implications that may be derived from its discussions and findings so that they may be fed into future overseas exchange programs and disseminated to educators in the host university.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070059809