標題: 降雨導致淺層邊坡崩塌監測與預警方法之研發
Development of Monitoring and Warning Method Against Rainfall Induced Shallow Slope Failure
作者: 簡裕峻
Chien, Yu-Chun
Huang, An-Bin
Shan, Hsin-Yu
關鍵字: 降雨引致崩塌;非飽和土壤;淺層邊坡破壞;土壤含水量計;rainfall induced landslide;unsaturated soil;shallow slope failure;soil moisture sensor
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 台灣每逢夏日颱風事件便帶來豪雨,降雨引致許多邊坡崩塌造成傷亡,其中又以淺層崩塌發生頻率較高,傳統利用降雨強度及延時作為預警方式,方法僅具區域性且無力學基礎,近年數值方法盛行,降雨入滲模型配合分析的方法亦已有許多學者提出,但土壤參數、初始及邊界條件選定不一且缺乏實際數據驗證。隨著消費性電子元件的普及,市售各式電子式感測器直接走向應用端。本研究擬用土壤含水量計、電子式傾斜儀,研發出可插入邊坡之感測桿,用於量測土層不同深度含水量變化及地表位移量,藉由無線通訊模組將量測資料即時傳出,再配合非飽和土壤相關理論及邊坡穩定分析方法,將資料解算後評估邊坡安全性。
Typhoons usually bring heavy rains in Taiwan during summer. Rainfall induced landslides are usually shallower and cause a lot of casualties. Traditionally, we used rainfall intensity and its duration as a warning method but it is localized and without mechanical analysis. In recent years, many researchers used numerical method to simulate rainfall infiltration with slope stability analysis, but the initial and boundary conditions selected did not reflect the actual condition and they were not verified and compared to the field monitoring data. With the widespread of electronic devices, many electronically based sensors are available. In this research, a soil moisture sensor and an inclinometer were integrated into a sensor stick which can be inserted to a slope. This sensor stick was capable of measuring soil moisture at different depths and the displacement of the slope surface. The measured data would be transmitted wirelessly to the server through the Internet. In this way, the analysis of the data based on unsaturated soil mechanics and slope stability analysis theory can efficiently help understand the stabilization of a slope.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070451257
Appears in Collections:Thesis