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dc.contributor.authorFu, Hsun-Yien_US
dc.contributor.authorShan, Hsin-Yuen_US
dc.description.abstract事故現場指揮系統目的為將事故管理標準化與模組化,建立一個標準化與彈性化的架構,以整合各單位資源,達到資源利用最大化,解決事故現場救災效率不彰的問題。我國於民國89年導入發展至今,其運作架構仍不純熟,本研究透過開發以ICS架構的APP的方式,藉由智慧型手機的高普及率與便利性為我國ICS貢獻一己之力。 本研究先以專家訪談方式,借重復興空難、維冠金龍大樓倒塌事故與晶元光電火災三起災害事故的事故現場消防人員的救災經驗,整理出我國事故現場有組織架構不明確、資源管理與沒有專門的資訊系統輔助等三大管理問題有待改善。 再根據專家訪談所得的實務資訊,本研究開發出一套以ICS為架構的APP協助事故現場管理者,建立一致的組織架構、建立組織命令鏈以正確方式傳遞、建立一致的資源申請程序、提供多元化的訊息傳遞與提供標準的表單文件協助書面紀錄,並請消防人員為APP提出使用後的回饋與建議,本研究依據此結果於文後提出未來設計的三項建議,以期能優化APP輔助現場管理者。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the incident command system (ICS) is to standardize and modularize the emergency response action of the incidents. Establishing a standardized and flexible structure to integrate the resources of each unit can maximize the utilization of resource and solve the problem of inefficient disaster relief. The Incident Command System (ICS) was actively promoted in Taiwan since 2000. However its operating structure is not skilled. This study attempts to improve the completion of ICS in Taiwan by the development of APP with ICS. This study interviewed the fire department chief who involved in TransAsia Airways Flight 235 Accident, 0206 Meinong Earthquake and Epistar Fire to get the experience to sort out the problems of the management in the scene of the accident such as organization is undefined, the problem of resource management and there is no information system to support the manager. Then according to the expert information obtained from the expert interview, this study has developed a set of APP to assist the manager to establish a consistent organizational structure, establish a consistent the organization command chain to transmit in the correct way and establish a professional form for resource management with PDF format. Finally, this study summary the future design based on the feedback form the fire department chief who use the APP to make it better.en_US
dc.subjectIncident command systemen_US
dc.subjectmobile applicationen_US
dc.title事故現場指揮系統行動應用程式開發 -以作業組為例zh_TW
dc.titleDevelopment of Mobile Application for Incident Command System -Taking Operations Section as an Exampleen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis