標題: 自適應式部署物聯網之應用程式
Adaptive Deployment of Internet-of-Things Application
作者: 陳業良
Chen, Yap-Leong
Wu, Yu-Sung
關鍵字: 程式物件卸載;分散式系統;靜態程式轉換;Code Offloading;Distributed System;Static Program Translation
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 根據網際網路協會統計,在未來 2025 年,將會有 1000 億台物聯網裝置將會連上網路。到⽬前為⽌,已有許多針對物聯網開發的平台陸續誕⽣,卻沒有看⾒具代表性的物聯網應⽤出現。我們相信,主要原因是因為物聯網應⽤開發,除了基本的程式開發外,橫跨的領域從網路到嵌⼊式裝置的程式設計,增加了應⽤程式開發的⾨檻,讓具代表性的應⽤程式遲遲無法被創造出來。基於以上問題,我們提出了⼀套物聯網應⽤程式平台,讓物聯網應⽤程式開發者在開發上可以忽略網路程式設計⽅⾯的邏輯,更專注在物聯網應⽤的程式邏輯上。開發者可以使⽤熟悉的單⼀節點程式架構去設計程式,該平台會進⼀步將程式進⾏切割、部署到物聯網裝置上。在執⾏時,被切割的應⽤程式區塊會依據開發者所設定的屬性,執⾏在符合該屬性的裝置上,從⽽讓應⽤程式更能適應不同的物聯網環境。
According to research made by Internet Society, there will be around 100 billion IoT devices connected to the Internet by coming 2025. Although there are various of tools and platforms provided to IoT application developers to ease the development of IoT application, no representative IoT application has appeared. We believe the stagnancy is caused by the high threshold in developing an IoT application. An application developer would need to know how to program the network and embedded system. Based on the above problem, we propose an IoT application platform, which enables the application developers to design their application in single-machine way, more focusing on the application logic instead of complicated network logic. Our application platform will subsequently translate the program into multiple network node version, and deploy to the IoT devices on the network. During the execution, the IoT application will offload part of the program according to the properties that fit the offloading program part needs.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070456147