Title: 高偵測性二硫化鉬於圖案化藍寶石基板上之氣體與光交互作用與分析
Highly sensitivity of gas sensor based on molybdenum disulfide on patterned sapphire substrate
Authors: 鍾杰翰
Chung, Chieh-Han
Kuo, Hao-Chung
Shih, Min-Hsiung
Keywords: 二維材料;氣體感測器;一氧化氮;室內照明;MoS2;Gas sensor;Nitric oxide;Indoor lighting
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 近年來二維材料得到了許多研究團隊的重視,不少研究團隊使用二維材料進行許多研發與應用,二維材料有許多的優點,當材料的層數降至單層的情況下會發揮出許多半導體跟光電的特性,譬如二硫化鉬當從塊狀過渡到單層的時候,間接能隙會轉變成直接能隙、光吸收效率也會大幅提高,對於用來當作光偵測器和氣體感測器都可以得到不錯的效果,但是單純平面的感測器去和氣體接觸還是會有其極限,因此我們提出一個新的方法把二硫化鉬長成在結構化的藍寶石基板上,藉由完成三維結構並在不破壞二硫化鉬雙層的情況下提升偵測器的響應和測量極限。
Recently, transition metal dichalcogenides had gained a lot of attention for their many advantages. For example, the layer numbers dominated the energy band gap from indirect to direct. Under monolayer condition, electronic and optical properties would emerge obviously, which was suitable for photodetector and gas sensor. In this work, we presented a new method to grow molybdenum disulfide onto the flat and three-dimensional structure to fabricate highly sensitivity gas sensor. To uniformly sulfurization the MoO3 to MoS2, bilayer was the optimized parameter to use. After the fabrication of gas sensor, we injected low part per million-concentration nitric oxide to the gas measurement chamber to react under the ultraviolet light illumination. Because of the type of MoS2 was n-type, the electrons were the major carriers produced by the ultraviolet light; the nitric oxide was the oxidizing type. Thus, when the gas interacted with the surface of MoS2, the current would decrease and the resistance would increase drastically. This phenomenon let us to analyze the signal change to make the better performance sensor. On the other hand, the three-dimensional structure could spread the light uniformly on the surface to produce more carriers to react. This result made us to believe that three-dimensional structure was the better choice for gas sensor to fabricate.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070450608
Appears in Collections:Thesis