標題: 植基於 FB 人口資料之目標族群搜尋研究
Searching for target audience based on Facebook demographics
作者: 吳曜鳴
Wu, Yao-Ming
Hsiao, Tzu-Chien
關鍵字: 臉書;機器學習;Facebook;targeting
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 廣告是一種因應文化沿革與媒體技術演進所演化而成的專業領域,以目前的發展趨勢而言,隨著網路技術之興起,廣告發展亦趨向雙向溝通模式。此時,行銷專家Kotler在1994年所提出的Target marketing理論,係先劃分消費者為不同特質群組,再依據其特質來提供適合該群消費者的廣告。此一理論促使雙向溝通化之廣告有了新的方向。也因應Web 2.0 技術的興起,消費者可採Click方式來針對特定廣告(廣告商)表達反映。 本研究的目的,係利用現階段臉書(Facebook)的普及化,結合社群網路廣告之特性,設計一以Target marketing為架構,以臉書所提供的群組特性資料為基底,使用機器學習法則來建構廣告與消費者之間的雙向可能性。此一研究可視為最佳化群體之選擇問題,因此,除使用決策樹與回歸法則外,亦導入一種可建立知識庫的XCS (Extended classifier system)。 在交大REC審查同意下於臉書上進行廣告施測與收集資料,先自製「贈送網頁設計教學課程」廣告、挑選943組廣告受眾分群(marketing mix)來進行投放、匯出臉書提供的資料報表、資料編碼與建模、以及結果比對等等。實驗結果顯示,XCS可以遮蔽不必要的群體,整體來說,facebook平台加上XCS存在一些有助於投放廣告的信息,或許能提供廣告研究的新觀點。
Advertising is one kind of professional field from the evolution of media and technology. With the rise of Internet technology, advertising development also tend to two-way communication to the current development trend. At this point, expert of marketing “Kotler” proposed target marketing theory in 1994 years. This theory divides consumers into groups according to different characteristics, and then provides advertising for the group of consumers based on their characteristics. This theory has led to a new direction for two-way communication. Also in response to the rise of Web 2.0 technology, consumers can respond to specific advertisement (advertisers) by clicking. The purpose of this study is to use the popularity of Facebook and combined with the properties of community network advertising. Designed to target marketing as a framework, the machine learning is used to construct the two-way possibility between advertising and consumers based on the marketing mix data provided by the Facebook. This study can be seen as an optimization of the selection of groups. Therefore, in addition to the use of decision trees and regression rules, this study imports an XCS that can builds a knowledge base. Under the approval of Research Ethics Committee for Human Subject Protection (REC) in National Chiao Tung University, this experiment was conducted in the Facebook for advertising and collecting data. First, this study made an advertisement of “贈送網頁設計教學課程”,and selected 943 groups of advertising mix (marketing mix) for further advertising. Second, export the data reports provided by the FB, the data encoding and modeling, and the results of the comparison. XCS can cover unnecessary features, on the whole, Facebook platform with XCS there are some information to help advertising, may be able to provide new ideas for advertising research.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356702
Appears in Collections:Thesis