Title: 合作式寫作與獨立式寫作應用於臺灣國中生寫作歷程之個案研究
A Case Study on the Process of Collaborative and Individual Writing by Taiwanese Junior High School Students
Authors: 陳韋伶
Chen, Wei-Ling
Keywords: 合作式寫作;互動模式;國中生寫作;Collaborative writing;interactive patterns;junior high school writing
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 近年來,合作式寫作相關研究受到的關注增加。許多研究文獻指出合作式寫作幫助學習者在最佳化的環境中建構更完整的寫作過程、修改,以及提升對讀者需求的察覺能力 (例如, Cicalese, 2003; Dale, 1992; Lim and Jacobs, 2001; Schindler, 2002)。合作式寫作範疇的相關研究日益增多,然而多數研究以英語為第二語言的國家地區為背景,主要以大學生或高中生為探討對象。國內外相關文獻鮮少以台灣的國中學生為對象探討。更甚,學生在合作式寫作過程中的互動本質也較被忽略。本研究以Storch (1994)所整理提出之互動類型分類架構,將參與者的互動種類予以分類,以檢視學生參與個人寫作及合作式寫作活動過程中展現的不同特色、學生們和配對隊友的互動本質和其影響,以及他們對合作式寫作在國中課堂上實施的認知及評價。本研究邀請29位台灣中部國中二年級學生參與個人式寫作及合作式寫作活動。為了更全面了解學生的寫作過程,學生們共參與了兩次個人式寫作,兩次合作式寫作活動,以練習全民英檢(GEPT)初級作文模擬測驗。寫作練習活動執行在2014年的上學期共進行12週,每一個主題進行約三週時間。本研究以質性研究之方法輔以量表成果呈現。在研究過程蒐集的資料包含學生的前後測問卷、研究教師的課堂觀察、學生合作式寫作過程錄音檔、學生訪問、以及學生的四份寫作文稿。
In recent years, collaborative writing has substantially gained interests. Many studies have shown that collaborative writing enables learners to have an optimum environment for the full construction of their writing process, revision and the enhancement of audience awareness (e.g., Cicalese, 2003; Dale, 1992; Lim and Jacobs, 2001; Schindler, 2002).
Although there have been increasing studies on collaborative writing, most of them were conducted in ESL contexts, targeting learners in universities and senior high schools. Little attention has been paid to the learners in junior high schools in Taiwan. Furthermore, very few studies on collaborative writing have examined the nature of learners’ collaboration in collaborative writing process.
Adopting the theoretical framework proposed by Storch (1994), this study aimed to explore (a) how students’ writing shaped when they were engaged in individual and collaborative writing activities, (b) how students interacted with their peers or in collaborative writing tasks and how their interaction shaped their writing process, and (c) how they perceived and evaluated the implementation of collaborative writing tasks in a junior high school. Twenty-nine 8th graders in a junior high school in central Taiwan were invited to engage in individual and collaborative writing tasks. To obtain a comprehensive picture of these students’ writing process, the students were engaged in four writing tasks, including two individual tasks and two collaborative writing tasks, practicing the simulation writing tests for GEPT at the elementary level. The writing tasks lasted for 12 weeks, three weeks for one writing task, in fall, 2014. The study adopted a mixed methodology design with both quantitative and qualitative methods. The data of the study were collected from two questionnaires, classroom observations, audio recordings from collaborative writing, interviews, and the students’ writing works.
The results showed that these junior high school students tended to produce higher quality of writing outcomes when they were engaged in the collaborative writing tasks. The collaboration enabled them to raise awareness on different aspects of writing and thus improved the overall accuracy and fluency of their writing. However, the nature of students’ pair interaction played a vital role in their collaborative writing process. The findings showed that the dyads working in the collaborative and the expert/novice patterns tended to perform better in their writing product than those in the dominant/passive pattern. The results further revealed that the interactional patterns affected their perceptions of the collaborative writing practices. More than half of the students held positive attitudes toward their experiences of collaborative writing. Several pedagogical implications were provided for junior high school writing teachers to consider in implementation of collaborative writing in their classrooms.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079859508
Appears in Collections:Thesis