標題: 乙太坊與其共識演算法Casper
Ethereum and Its Consensus Algorithm Casper
作者: 陳聖豪
Chen, Shen-Haur
Chen, Rong-Jaye
關鍵字: 乙太坊;區塊鏈;比特幣;權益證明;Ethereum;Blockchain;Bitcoin;Casper;Proof of stake
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 自從中本聰(~Satoshi Nakamoto~)於~2008~年發表比特幣論文,並於~2009~年發佈比特幣軟體以來,虛擬貨幣市場日漸龐大,有關區塊鏈的應用也是五花八門,而乙太坊作為一款新興虛擬貨幣與分散式計算平台,逐漸嶄露頭角,成為目前市面上第二大虛擬貨幣平台。 乙太坊改進了許多比特幣現有的缺點,而其中最主要的就是共識演算法。比特幣目前採用的是名為工作量證明的方法,但已被證明有許多缺點及問題,後人提出了多種新型共識演算法,而乙太坊選擇採用的是權益證明演算法,並打算於~2017~年推出其系統: ~Casper~。 ~Casper~是乙太坊核心小組打算實作出的權益證明系統,目前還未上市,一旦完成並發佈後,乙太坊將全面從工作量證明切換到權益證明,這將會是一個大挑戰。~Casper~改良並實作了過往其他同樣使用權益證明貨幣的問題,主要分為兩個:最小化懲罰條件(~minimal slashing conditions~)以及動態驗證集合的安全問題(~safety under dynamic validator sets~)。 在本篇論文中,我們詳細介紹區塊鏈與比特幣的背景以及乙太坊與比特幣間的差異與改進,並分析多種共識演算法,最後完整介紹Casper的貢獻與上述兩個問題的解決方法。
Since Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper on Bitcoin in 2008 and proposed a Bitcoin platform in 2009, the market of cryptocurrency and blockchain application have attracted more and more people in recent years. In this paper, we introduce the advantage of Ethereum, a new cryptocurrency and distributing computing platform, proposed by Vitalik Buterin in 2013. Ethereum solved many problems of Bitcoin, and its most important feature is consensus algorithm. Ethereum plans to switch the consensus algorithm from proof of work to proof of stake in 2017, and the new system is called ``Casper''. We describe and analyze the main contributions of Casper: minimal slashing conditions and safety under dynamic validator sets.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070256612
Appears in Collections:Thesis