標題: 基於無線訊號之動作追蹤與活動量評估系統
Calorie Map – An indoor Activity Monitoring and Intensity Estimation System based on Wireless Signal
作者: 柯佳良
Ke, Chia-Liang
Tseng, Yu-Chee
關鍵字: 室內定位;動作追蹤;基於無線訊號;超聲波動作辨識;活動量評估;indoor positioning;activity monitoring;based on wireless;acoustic activity identification;intensity estimation
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 現代化的社會,生活習慣使得人們容易罹患慢性疾病,尤其是那些一天當中需要長期處於相同動作並且沒有規律運動習慣的人。為了避免這種情況更加的惡化,在即將到來的物聯網時代,智慧家庭成為了一個重要的議題。其中,照護服務,尤其是針對老人慢性病,更成為了一個重要的應用程式。許多文獻指出,適度的運動是能有效減緩慢性病的惡化,因此,在本篇論文中,我們提出一個新穎的活動監測和強度評估系統,他能夠產生卡路里地圖,這地圖的資訊將會包含患者的所在位置、持續性的活動和活動所造成的卡路里消耗量而形成一個監測服務。透過這個地圖的資訊,照護人員便可得知患者的狀態並且視狀況鼓勵患者活動以便改善他的生活習慣。這套系統利用無線訊號去判斷使用者位置和動作;而在身體活動所造成的卡路里消耗這方面,除了參考無線訊號外也多參考能量代謝當量去推測,過程中會需要感測元件少量時間的幫助。在環境中,將會有指路明燈佈建於各個房間,廁所、客廳、寢室、會議室,這些指路明燈將會發射藍芽訊號和超聲波訊號。病患將會在胸前被佩戴著智慧胸針,胸針會接收環境中的無線訊號進而去判斷使用者的位置、動作和卡路里消耗量。我們的系統比現存的系統有了三種好處。第一,無線訊號在許多應用程式只被拿來當作位置的指示符,但是在我們系統中,我們更將他視為一種能反映出活動的指示符;第二,我們的系統是一個半訓練的系統,即系統會有訓練時期,但是不需要人為介入,而是透過感測元件的幫助進行自動化的訓練,在離開訓練期之後,感測元件即可關閉。系統的訓練期將只占整體運作的一小部分,也此因感測元件所節省的電量會是可觀的;最後,本系統所提出的動作辨識的方法,他是非常的直覺性,不需要太過於複雜的想法及運作即可辨識出一些人類的基本動作。我們的系統已經成功被實現在智慧型手機和個人電腦上,並且整套系統是很容易被架設並使用的。
In the modern era, lifestyle make people get the chronic diseases easily, especially for the person who need to spend almost whole day staying in the same activity state and does not do exercise regularly. To avoid this situation become worse and worse, smart home has become an important issue in the coming new era of IoT field. Among the smart home, healthcare service, especially for the elder with chronic diseases, has become one of the most important applications. Many studies reported that the progress of chronic disease can be slow down effectively by moderate ctivities. In this paper, we proposed a novel activity monitoring and intensity estimation system which will produce the calorie map to support continuous motion and physical activity calorie burned monitoring service so that the caregivers can know the patients condition and encourage them to move and hence improving the life style. The system uses wireless signals and metabolic equivalent (MET) to estimate calorie burned by the physical activity with little assistance of motion sensors during the training phase. In the proposed system, Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE) beacons equipped with ultrasonic transducer were deployed in the living space , such as living room, bedroom, etc. The patients wore a smart brooch are continuously monitored for the location, activity and calorie burned by receiving wireless signals. The proposed system has three-fold advantages compared to the existed systems: Firstly, in addition to utilizing the wireless signal as a location indicator, the proposed system also uses the wireless signals as an activity indicator. Secondly, the proposed system is semi-training free, the system does not need the intervention of trained technician. Also, it only needs relatively short training time during the whole operations. Hence, The power consumption caused by the motion sensors can be greatly reduced. Finally, we provide an activity recognition without too much complicate though and operation. A prototype system has successfully implemented on HTC M8 smartphone and PC, and it is easily to set up.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356544