Title: 物流服務供應商整合電子商務之商業模式分析與比較之研究
On the Business Model Analysis and Comparison Study for the Logistics Service Provider Integrating Electronic Commerce
Authors: 鍾俊揚
Keywords: 物流服務供應商;B2C電子商務;企業作業流程;商業模式;Logistics service provider;B2C electronic commerce;Operating processes;Business model
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本研究係以物流服務供應商作為探討對象,由訪談調查方式瞭解其整合「網路零售型態電子商務」的企業作業流程與商業模式,分析該商業模式的成功要件。本研究所提出一個整合性的商業模式分析架構,可提供其他物流服務供應商規劃整合電子商務獲得商機之參考。 本研究以物流服務供應商運用經營年菜購買B2C電子商務為例,繪製流程圖的分式進行企業作業流程分析,然後運用企業作業流程的細節,進行商業模式畫布九項作業要素分析,特別彙整商業模式中的關鍵伙伴、關鍵資源及關鍵活動。本研究詳細的分析,可以提供物流服務供應商進入B2C電子商務市場必須掌握的關鍵成功因素。 關鍵詞: 物流服務供應商、B2C電子商務、企業作業流程、商業模式
We employed the logistics service provider as the key role of this study, investigated the business processes and the business model of its "online retailing electronic commerce", and analyzed the key success factors in its business model. We propose an integrated framework for the analysis of business model in this study, and it may serve as an excellent tool that provides reference for other logistics service providers as exploring business opportunities by integrating their business with e-commerce. This study took the B2C electronic commerce for the shopping of the dinner for chinese new year eve as the case study. We first fully analyzed the business processes by making the corresponding flow charts. Then, we matched the details of the business processes with the 9 categories of key components in the business model canvas. Especially, we compiled the key partners, the key resources and the key activities in the business model. The thorogh analysis in this study highlight the key success factors for the logistics service providers who would like to enter the market of B2C electronic commerce. Keyword: Logistics service provider, B2C electronic commerce, Operating processes, Business model
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463604
Appears in Collections:Thesis