標題: 三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型之驗證與改進
Verification and improvement on seismic evaluation model of three-side confined brick walls
作者: 黃柏鈞
關鍵字: 三面圍束磚牆;TEASPA耐震評估模型;口湖國小現地試驗;Three-side confined brick walls;seismic evaluation model of TEASPA;in-situ test of Kou-Hu elementary school
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 台灣位於板塊交接處,大小地震頻繁。過去大地震來的同時,低矮建築破壞嚴重,顯示低矮建築其耐震能力不足。低矮建築常以磚塊砌牆,顯然磚牆為低矮建築提供耐震能力的重要構件之一。國內低矮建築常使用TEASPA耐震能力評估分析方法作為主要評估工具,而過去研究顯示TEASPA在分析磚牆模型時,會有勁度偏軟和強度不足等問題。為了改善TEASPA三面圍束磚牆評估分析方法不足的地方,本研究收集十座三面圍束磚牆試題,使用TEASP和ASCE/SEI的耐震評估方法進行評估,提出修正TEASPA三面圍束磚牆模型的建議。依據修正建議並使用ETABS建立現地試驗口湖國小模型,使用修正後TEASPA三面圍束磚牆模型驗證其側推分析的效果。分析結果顯示,本研究提出的三面圍束磚牆模型,可有效的應用在簡易側推和耐震詳細評估中,並且有不錯的效果。
In Taiwan, there was so much eachquake happened each year. During earthquake period, low-rise RC structures were damaged severely, and it showed that the seismic capacity of low-rise RC structures were not good enough. Walls are one of important seismic capacity element and the walls of low-rise RC structures are often made of bricks. In domestic seismic evaluation methods, TEASPA is one most using seismic evaluation method in low-rise RC structures. According to much research in the past, there were some obvious problems with seismic evaluation model of brick walls of TEASPA . The analysis values of Strength and Stiffness are both much lower than actual values of Strength and Stiffness.Ten specimens of three-side confined brick walls collected in this reaserch were evaluated with TEASPA and ASCE/SEI seismic evaluation methods, and committed suggestions that improving the model of three-side confined brick walls, in order to improve the shortcomings in seismic evaluation model of brick walls of TEASPA. According to the suggestions to establish the ETABS model of in-situ test of Kou-Hu elementary school, and to use the improved seismic evaluation model of brick walls of TEASPA to confined the effect of it. The result showed that this seismic evaluation model of three-side confined brick walls committed by this reaserch could be available for simplified pushover analysis and seismic detailed evaluation and had well effectives.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070251225
Appears in Collections:Thesis