標題: 建構OBD-II失效分析與可靠度評估作業流程-以A公司為例
Establishing a Procedure for Failure Analysis and Reliability Evaluation of OBD-II Module- A Case Study of A Company
作者: 鄧妤庭
關鍵字: 車載診斷系統;可靠度;失效分析;失效模式效應分析;OBD-II;Reliability;Failure Analysis;FMEA
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 車載診斷系統(On Board Diagnostics, OBD)是監測車輛廢氣排放量與排放汙染以及監測車輛運行狀態並回報異常狀況的電子系統。臺灣交通部道安會鑒於英國實施隨車配備OBD減少了排放汙染及車輛碰撞事故,乃要求近年國內各類汽車出廠一律安裝OBD。因為OBD的可靠與否與車輛駕駛人的生命安全息息相關,因此OBD產品必須符合品質管理系統與可靠度驗證測試標準或認證規範。本研究之主要目的是建構一套失效分析與可靠度的評估作業流程以有效改善OBD產品之可靠度。本研究以第二代車載診斷系統(OBD-II)為案例產品,藉由整合OBD-II產品由設計與製造階段的潛在失效模式與效應分析資料以及產品使用失效後之維修回饋資料等,利用本研究所提出之失效分析與可靠度評估作業流程,製訂OBD-II產品設計、製造之失效防制對策,驗證了本研究方法確實可以提升OBD-II產品之可靠度。
On Board Diagnostics (OBD) is an electronic product designed for monitoring vehicle exhaust of hazardous gases and engine operation, and it also reports engine abnormal situations to vehicle driver. Knowing that the vehicle installed with OBD can effectively reduce the hazardous exhaust and traffic accidents in England, the Ministry of Communication in Taiwan decided to require all vehicles that use petrochemical fuel to have an OBD stalled. Since the safety of vehicle driver is closely related to the reliability and the quality of the OBD products, OBD product must meet their reliability test standards and conform to quality requirements. In this case, the reliability of OBD products should always be considered first. The main objective of this study is to establish a procedure to improve OBD product’s reliability and stability using failure analysis and reliability evaluation. The second generation On Board Diagnostics (OBD-II) was utilized as a case study to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The data used in this study included OBD-II FMEA data collected in the product design and manufacture stage, the failure correction and maintenance data. Through contrasting, comparing, checking and further analyzing the data using the proposed procedure, it is verified that the proposed procedure can provide an essence and effective counter-measure for fail prevention in OBD-II product design and manufacture stage, and the product reliability will thus be promoted.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463305
Appears in Collections:Thesis