標題: 含四苯乙基及螺吡喃類衍生物光致開關高分子之合成及研究
Synthesis and Study of Photo-Switchable Polymers Containing Tetraphenylethylene and Spiropyran Units
作者: 張賀凱
Chang, He-Kai
關鍵字: 分子開關;光致變色;聚集誘導放光效應;molecular-switch;Photochromism;aggregation induce emission
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本論文成功設計合成出結合聚集誘導發光以及多種響應分子開關的高分子,藉由鈴木反應聚合而成,並同時製作三種不同種類的四苯基乙烯,分別為分子開關分子與四苯基乙烯共軛相連、共軛延長、共軛分離,並探討其性質差異。 當高分子中的螺吡喃類分子開關因照射紫外光或而開環時,會有吸收光譜上的變化,並且在鹼性條件下可迅速回復到關閉狀態。除了紫外光照射之外,酸性條件下也會使螺吡喃類分子開環。高分子中的四苯基乙烯分子,在藉由改變四氫呋喃與水的比例後會產生聚集誘導發光的現象,而因聚集而發出的光則會因上述高分子中螺吡喃類分子的開啟與關閉會有所增減。另外,高分子的電化學性值也會改變 這種想法與設計可使單一高分子有紫外光以及酸鹼響應機制並藉由聚集誘導發光以克服一般分子聚合物聚集而引起螢光猝滅的問題,另外異構化能帶大小的改變也使單一種高分子卻有不同的電學性質得以呈現,提供了未來在固態元件或薄膜上的新應用。
A multi-stimuli responsive molecular-switch polymers was constructed by the spiropyran and different kind of tetraphenylethylene with based photochromic and aggregation-induced emission (AIE) property is fabricated successfully. Spiropyran moiety will turn into open form by exposure ultraviolet light or in acid condition, then back to close form in base condition. The Uv-Vis spectrum also changed during this process. In addition to AIE behaviors of different kind of tetraphenylethylene present by using water fractions of THF. The AIE properties and electron property also changed by the switching of Spiropyran moiety in polymers. This strategy to design polymers with light and PH response in each other, and AIE property overcomes the common problem of aggregation-caused quenching (ACQ) in usual high concentration state. The energy band gap change by isomerization of spiropyran moiety presernt different electronic characterization in the same polymer. It provides a new applications about device or solid film in future.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070451546