Title: 四種不同風格的油畫模擬及其調控因素
Governing Factors behind Oil Painting Simulation of Four Visually Perceivable Variations in Presentation
Authors: 黃承緯
Huang, Cheng-Wei
Lin, Cheng-Chung
Keywords: 油畫;非擬真;oil painting;NPR
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本論文提出一個藉由不同的因素但相近的方法來產生不同風格的油畫模擬系統。透過空間域的影像處理,以下列四步驟產生模擬的油畫作品。 (1)將輸入影像平滑化 (2)透過調整不同因素達到不同的分區塊效果 (3)將平滑化的影像及分區合併成結果
In this thesis, an oil painting simulation system is proposed by using similar computation method but not the same factors to generate different style of oil painting. The transformation goes through three functional stages as follows: (1)blur the input image (2)getting different block effects by adjusting different factors (3)merge the blurred image and blocked image
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356634
Appears in Collections:Thesis