標題: 低溫圓柱型氬氣大氣電漿束 對綠指甲與灰指甲治療效果之研究
Experimental Investigation of Sterilization Efficacy of Green Nails Symptom and Gray Nails Using an Argon-based Round Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet
作者: 廖晉緯
Liao, Chin-Wei
Wu, Jong-Shinn
關鍵字: 綠指甲;灰指甲;低溫大氣電漿束;Green nail;Gray nail;Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 綠/灰指甲為常見的指甲疾病,一般需要數周甚至數月的治療時間才能痊癒。本研究主要探討以氬氣為主要氣體之非平衡低溫常壓電漿束,治療感染性指甲疾病之可行性。初期先對電漿束之溫度、活性氧粒子及消耗功率進行量測,並固定實驗參數,接著利用綠指甲及灰指甲之主要致病菌: 綠膿桿菌 ( Pseudomonas aeruginosa, ATCC 25619 )、白色念珠菌 ( Candida albicans, ATCC 18804 ) 及黴菌做為指定菌株進行殺菌實驗,將菌株培養於固態培養基上,使用氬氣漿束進行不同時間之處理。透過抑菌面積 (Inhibition area)、抑菌率 ( Inhibition rate ) 、掃描式電子顯微鏡 (SEM) 及電漿束滲透實驗,評估氬氣電漿束對引起感染性指甲疾病常見菌株的殺菌能力及對指甲組織的滲透能力,再利用電漿束處理經模擬培植 ( Inoculation ) 菌株或臨床採集之感染指甲樣本,經不同時間之電漿束處理後,量測其殘存菌落數及顯微鏡觀察指甲表面與截面之結構變化,以量化氬氣電漿束對治療感染性指甲疾病之效果。
Among the skin and nail diseases, Green Nail Syndrome (GNS) and Onychomycosis are two of the most common nail diseases. They often require treatment for months, which is a relatively long time. In this study, an argon-based round non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) was used as an treatment device because it can provide appreciable OH, which is believed to be one of the key roles for sterilization. To confirm the sterilization efficiency of plasma jet, the pathogens of green nails and gray nails: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 25619) , Candida albicans (ATCC 18804) and fungi were used as target strains. The inhibition area, inhibition rate, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and penetration efficacy test were used to analyze the sterilization result and penetration efficiency after different plasma treatment times. After measuring plasma jet sterilization efficiency, target strains on human nail were inoculated to mimic real disease, and then the plasma jet was used to treat the infected nails with different treating times. After plasma treatment, the colony count method was used to evaluate the sterilization efficiency and the scanning electron microscope was applied to observe the structure change and the amount of bacteria inside nail sample before and after plasma treatment.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070451055
Appears in Collections:Thesis