標題: 使用半導體飽和吸收鏡的多波長被動Q開關摻鉺光纖雷射之研究
Multi-wavelength passive Q-switched Er-doped fiber laser with a semiconductor saturable absorber
作者: 周妡遙
Chou, Hsin-Yao
Lai, Yin-Chieh
關鍵字: 被動Q開關;飽和吸收體;passive Q-switched;saturable absorber
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 在本論文中我們藉由穿透式的半導體飽和吸收體製作被動Q開關摻鉺光纖雷射來產生光脈衝序列。雷射共振腔由2.89公尺的單模光纖、0.7公尺的摻鉺光纖以及2公尺的非線性光纖所組成,藉由調整共振腔的兩個偏振控制器與980nm雷射二極體的幫浦功率,可以選擇讓雷射操作在單波長以及多波長的被動Q開關雷射狀態。我們特別針對多波長被動Q開關狀態下的雷射特性進行了實驗探討,特別是在實驗上觀測到不同波長的雷射光間會有部分能量交換所形成的脈衝振幅交替震盪之新現象。
In this thesis study, we build a passive Q-switched E-doped fiber laser with a semiconductor saturable absorber. The laser constitutes of 2.89 m SMF-28, 0.7 m Er-doped fiber, and 2 m high nonlinearity fiber. By adjusting the two polarization controllers inside the cavity as well as the 980 nm laser diode pump power, we can let laser operate under two different Q-switched states: single-wavelength state and multi-wavelength state. We have experimentally investigated the lasing characteristics of the multi-wavelength Q-switched state and find an interesting energy exchange oscillation phenomenon between the pulse amplitudes of different wavelengths.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070450532
Appears in Collections:Thesis