標題: 社群慈善募款之推薦機制
A Recommendation Mechanism for Social Fundraising
作者: 吳治東
Wu, Jhih-Dong
Li, Yung-Ming
關鍵字: 公益;社群網路;慈善募款;社群推薦;社群關係;Philanthropy;Social network;Social fundraising;Social recommendation;Social relationship
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 近幾年來全球面臨許多社會問題與環境災難,因此慈善捐款越來越普遍。近期因群眾募資的興盛,許多慈善團體也開始利用相似的形式進行募款。但缺乏一個能夠輔助募款者透過應用社群網路的力量找尋到潛在捐款者的機制,特別是沒有足夠募款經驗的小型組織或個人。因此本研究提出一個應用於慈善募款的社群推薦系統。其中透過捐款者的偏好、募款與捐款者之間的關係並且利用募款活動的特色來提升捐款者的滿意度與意願。
In recent years, the world incurs many social issue and environmental disaster, so philanthropy giving is become popular. Nowadays, the crowdfunding also become popular and the charity usually use it to fundraise. But they rarely utilize power of social network to assist fundraiser to discover potential donors, especially small organization or personal. In this research, we will propose a social supported recommendation mechanism for social fundraising. We will examine the donor preference, relationship between donor and fundraiser, and the characteristic fundraising dynamics to advance the growth of philanthropy fundraising and enhance satisfaction rate of the donor.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353415