標題: 從虛擬到真實-遊戲直播中的擬社會互動、忠誠行為與互動感知之關聯性研究
From parasocial to social: A study of relationships among parasocial interaction, loyalty behavior and perceived interactivity on live video streaming platform
作者: 朱家齊
Chu, Chia-Chi
Huang, Hui-Ping
關鍵字: 遊戲直播;Twitch;擬社會互動;忠誠行為;互動感知;live video streaming;Twitch;parasocial interaction;loyalty behavior;perceived interactivity
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究以擬社會互動理論為基礎,並以Twitch遊戲直播平台作為研究對象,探討擬社會互動於此一新興媒介中的作用機制。首先根據過往研究,整理出可能影響擬社會互動的因素,包括實況主吸引力、觀看動機、依附類型與觀看時間,進而觀察擬社會互動對追隨、贊助與訂閱等忠誠行為的影響。
This study uses parasocial interaction perspective to observe the audience’s use behavior of the Twitch platform. Based on past research, it first examines factors affecting parasocial interaction, including broadcasters’ attraction, the audience’s motives, attachment style and use time. However, the interaction between broadcasters and the audience may not be just parasocial, through certain loyalty behavior such as follow, donation and subscription, the audience can connect and interact with the broadcasters in a real way, which can further stimulate their perception of interactivity. This study thus also examines the relationship between loyalty behavior and perceived interactivity, including perceived control, reciprocity, connectedness, synchronicity and interpersonality.
This study conducts a web survey to collect data. In total, 674 questionnaires are successfully collected. Results show that the broadcasters’ physical attraction, social attraction, the audience’s social motivation, use time and preoccupied attachment have significant positive effects, whereas secure and dismissive-avoidant attachment have significant negative effects on parasocial interaction. Parasocial interaction has significant negative effects on follow, but has significant positive effects on donation and subscription. Follow has significant negative effects on perceived reciprocity, connectedness and interpersonality. Donation has no significant impact on perceived interactivity, but subscription has significant positive effects on all dimensions of perceived interactivity.
This study shows that parasocial interaction can be turned into real interaction by loyalty behavior. Along with the evolution of communication technologies, the audience’s social motivation has replaced instrumental motivation to be the key factor of parasocial interaction. Use time also plays a more important role in affecting prarsocial interaction on live video streaming platform compared with traditional media. Results from this study also have marketing implications. Broadcasters or platform managers can conduct marketing research to identify target market and provide broadcasters strategies about how to increase social attraction. They can also broadcast live videos as frequently as possible in order to increase the audience’s use time. In addition, broadcasters should view obtaining subscriptions as the primary goal, offer subscribers more benefits with less cost in order to appeal potential subscribers and get more re-subscriptions from regular customers. Moreover, as most of the audience watches live video streaming in an inattentive way, broadcasters may arrange meaningful interactions with the audience from time to time to build more buzz. Platform managers can also design new functions to observe the audience’s use behavior and offer rewards to stimulate their use time.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359104
Appears in Collections:Thesis