標題: 硫酸回收系統效益分析-以某半導體晶圓廠為例
Benefit Analysis Of Waste Sulfuric Acid Collection System -an Example of Semiconductor FAB
作者: 劉益良
Liu, Yi-Liang
Chen,Chun- Hsun
關鍵字: 硫酸回收;硫酸回收再利用;sulfuric acid recycling;sulfuric acid reuse
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 台灣民眾因環保觀念的提升,目前針對工業所產生的廢棄物的後續處理相當重視,企業所產出廢棄物問題若無法妥善處理,抗議活動將伴隨而來。因此半導體業在進行擴廠時總面臨到環保民意抗爭,如何將使用後的廢棄物做回收再利用,必然是未來半導體業者須面臨的環保議題。 本研究是以某半導體廠建立化學品硫酸廢液回收系統,藉由硫酸廢液回收流程,提供目前硫酸回收再利用的實務介紹如鹼性廢氣及氨氮廢水處理再利用,在內文中將對依某半導體廠硫酸回收再利用的經濟效益作分析,期盼此篇研究能提供案例做為半導體產業的參考,以達到產業經營及環保雙贏的局面。 硫酸回收系統建置後進行運轉後,藉由硫酸回收使用後,回收使用率達到約90%,每年節省費用約為NT$7,800,000元
The purpose of this paper is to study the recycling and reuse of sulfuric acid in the semiconductor industry. The chemical through the wet etching process will be discharged through the piping line, the waste feature contains acid , alkaline and organic chemicals. Recently, the Government agency and Environmental protection association set strict recovery and discharge standards to control and monitor electronic industry waste, each corporation should pay attention to environmental recycling issues. The research is based on a semiconductor factory to establish a sulfuric acid recycling system, By the sulfuric acid recycling method provide the system reuse benefit and reduce waste treatment plant costs. By the sulfuric acid recycling system start to running, with the sulfuric acid reuse, the usage rate of recycling about 90%.The factory can save about NT $ 7,800,000 every year.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070461017
Appears in Collections:Thesis