標題: 整合建築等級BIM模型與OSM平頂房屋模型於空間分析應用
Integration of Architectural BIM Model and OSM Block Models for Geospatial Analysis
作者: 謝旻哲
Hsieh, Min-Che
Teo, Tee-Ann
關鍵字: 建築資訊模型;工業基礎類別;開放街圖;自願性地理資訊系統;Building Information Model (BIM);Industry Foundation Classes (IFC);OpenStreetMap (OSM);Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI)
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究目的為整合建築等級建築資訊 (Building Information Model, BIM) 模型與開放街圖 (OpenStreetMap, OSM) 平頂房屋模型並進行空間分析應用,建築等級BIM模型著重於專案建築之細緻資訊,而自願性地理資訊 (Volunteered Geographic Information, VGI) 群眾製圖圖資可提升BIM空間資料的豐富度,藉由整合BIM及VGI群眾製圖圖資,可建立其互操作性(Interoperability),因此,BIM與OSM建築模型整合為兩領域的一重要研究。本研究主要目標為建立室外OSM建物圖資與BIM之整合方法及分析應用,主要研究項目包括:(1)驗證OSM建物模型品質;(2)建立OSM建物模型之本體論(Ontology);(3)導入OSM建物模型至BIM軟體;(4)整合OSM都市量體及BIM細緻模型於日照環境分析。實驗成果顯示OSM建物模型品質可滿足都市量體模型之需求;研究中完成OSM建物模型之本體論模型,建立OSM建物模型欄位屬性之OWL關係及規則;研究中完成將OSM建物模型幾何轉換為BIM軟體可導入及分析的IFC格式之程序及實作,成功結合OSM量體模型及BIM細緻模型。最後,結合BIM的細緻模型及大量來自OSM的量體模型進行日照分析,做為工程規劃及能源分析之應用案例。
This study integrates BIM (Building Information Model) model and OSM (OpenStreetMap) block models for geospatial data analysis. BIM models focus on information of a detailed building while VGI (Volunteered Geographic Information) - derived from the building model that focuses on block model. Therefore, VGI does enhance details of geospatial data in BIM. This study aims to integrate the block models from OSM and architectural BIM model. The main research items are the follows: (1). quality assessment of building models in OSM, (2). ontology for OSM buildings, (3). conversion of OSM to BIM software, and (4). solar energy and shadow analysis for OSM and BIM integrated models. The result of experiment indicates that the quality of OSM building will fulfill needs of 3D block model. This study also used an OWL to create the ontology of OSM’s keys and values. The OSM has automatically transformed to IFC and further imported to BIM software. Finally, a large number of block models from OSM and high detailed BIM model has been integrated to demonstrate the solar analysis for engineering application.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070451275