標題: 三相並聯式主動電力濾波器之功率平衡研究
Study on Power Balance for Three-Phase Active Power Filter
作者: 林嘉樂
關鍵字: 三相;主動式電濾波器;虛功補償;功率平衡;功因修正;Three-Phase;Power Balance;Active Power Filter;PFC;current unbalance
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本論文探討如何以三相並聯式主動電力濾波器改善因非線性負載而造成的電流失真情況,以及透過其控制系統來修正三相各相間的電流不平衡現象。 討論當能源併到三相電力網路時,如何在修正功因、補償虛功的同時,可以針對系統出現單相故障或電流不平衡時幫助系統保持線間有電流持續輸出。 在控制上,使用數位鎖相迴路,透過迴授輸入線電壓訊號來追蹤市電相電壓的相位角位置,並運用傳統多迴路控制架構,採用一外電壓迴路及兩個內電流迴路,配合回授直流鏈電壓以及兩相輸入電流,控制電力濾波器來達到功因校正、虛功補償以及平衡功率之目的。 最後,本文以德州儀器生產的DSP TMS320F28335晶片實現所提之三相並聯式主動電力濾波器控制,經由模擬及電路實作,驗證所提之三相並聯式主動電力濾波器控制確實具有功因校正、虛功補償、平衡相間功率以及改善電流諧波之特性。
This thesis is presented how three-phase shunt active power filter improve the current distortion caused by the non-linear load, and through its control system to solve the current unbalance and phase fault between three-phase power system. And also discuss when the energy combined to the three-phase power network, how to improve power factor, compensate reactive power at the same time, in another way, when phase fault or current unbalance in system, how system keeping output current normally. For the control method, through the line voltage signal feedback and digital phase-locked loop, system can track the phase voltage correctly , the traditional multi-loop feedback control include the DC bus voltage control and output current control, with the DC voltage feedback and input current feedback and, the active power filter can compensate reactive power and compensate improve power factor, also can keeping output current when phase fault happening in power source. Finally, the proposed control system is implemented in Texas Instruments DSP TMS320F28335 chip to realize the three-phase shunt active power filter control, and the provided simulation and experimental results shows that well performance of the target.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070450703