Title: 單相全橋式PWM AC-DC轉換器數位控制之模擬分析
Simulation and Analysis of Digitally Controlled Single-Phase Full-Bridge PWM AC-DC Converter
Authors: 陳佑民
Yo-Ming Chen
Yung-Chun Wu
Keywords: 功率因數修正;功因修正;全橋式;雙向電力潮流;切換式整流;數位控制;切換式電源供應器;交直流轉換器;Power Factor Correction;PFC;Full-Bridge;Bi-direction power flow;Switching Mode Rectifier (SMR);Digital Control;Switching Power Supply;AC/DC Converter
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 本論文在探討單相全橋式切換整流電路,具功率因數修正、輸出電壓調節與雙向電力流向功能之數位控制模擬與分析。首先針對單相全橋式整流電路進行介紹與脈波調變技術分析,再針對全橋式切換整流電路之輸出電壓、輸入濾波電感與輸出直流鏈電容作分析與推導,並對輸入濾波電感及輸出直流鏈電容選擇作分析。本論文以PSIM電路模擬軟體建立一全橋式切換整流電路之數位式控制架構,進行電路之模擬與分析,並建立閉迴路控制架構,觀察在不同切換模式與不同條件下對轉換器之影響,如負載變動、電壓變動與再生模式負載時之功率因數、輸出穩壓與電力流向等特性,並比較不同切換模式之優劣。模擬分析結果可作為日後以DSP為基礎之數位控制電路實現之參考指標。
This thesis presents the simulation and analysis in power factor correction, output voltage regulation and power flow for full-bridge switching mode rectifier(SMR). The circuit operation of the full-bridge SMR circuit is introduced first, and then the pulse width modulation is analyzed. Finally the output voltage, input inductance and dc-BUS capacitance are derived as a basis for the selection of the input inductor and output capacitor. This thesis applied the PSIM simulation software to generate a digital control full-bridge SMR model and a closed control loop. To simulate and analyze the results in different switching modes and different conditions including changing load, varying input voltage, the PFC for regeneration mode load, output voltage regulation and the power flow in SMR converter. The simulation results can be take as a reference for implementing DSP based digital control circuit.
Appears in Collections:Thesis