Title: 台灣碳化矽產業之競爭策略研究
Competitive Advantage and Strategy Analysis of Taiwan Silicon Carbide Compound Industry
Authors: 張士節
Jang, Shih-Chieh
Liu, Duen-Ren
Keywords: 碳化矽產業;功率元件;功率模組;CREE;競爭策略;策略聯盟;Silicon Carbide;Power Discrete Device;Power Module;CREE;Competitive Analysis;Strategic Alliance
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 產業的成長有其主客觀條件與發展背景,碳化矽產業的發展,與環境、地理、政府、政策、市場、歷史、民族性皆有相關聯,有利條件越完整,產業蓬勃發展的機會也越高。此外,政府充分支持、廠商持續投入、具備足夠資金、人力資源、以及商品化應用經驗等條件成熟與否,與台灣碳化矽產業發展密不可分。近二十年來,全球越來越多國家以全面性、定期性與持續性規模展開碳化矽產業的補助與開發計畫,使得全球碳化矽產業持續成長。於這種全球競爭條件下,欲建立成功的台灣碳化矽產業策略與競爭優勢,必須先找出核心優勢,再以核心優勢為中心,尋求價值永續基礎,建立持久性的優勢才具有實質意義,可與競爭者有所差異,進而提高台灣碳化矽產業在世界碳化矽產業中的生存機會。經由分析全球碳化矽產業策略聯盟脈絡地圖,本研究建議台灣碳化矽產業可藉由技術引進、創新服務、提升附加價值、生產設備研發製造、策略聯盟、併購等作為,使台灣企業邁向碳化矽產業的成功途徑。
The development of silicon carbide compound industry depends on the subjective and objective conditions, such as the economic environment, government policy, target market and nation history. However, other key factors such as the government funding, devotion of competitive enterprises, cash injection, resource allocation, skilled technicians, and advanced marketing are indispensable as well. For decades, there are much and much more sponsoring to domestic companies by their respective motherland, and therefore enrich the silicon carbide compound industry at their homeland. This study screens over the global development of silicon carbide compound industry, especially to neighboring Japan, Korea and China, then referencing to CREE. In order to establish a competitive strategy, it is important to define the value proposition of Taiwan silicon carbide compound industry first, Then look for the competitive advantage. By this study, an alliance network of global silicon carbide compound industry is depicted and provided. The context of networking map contributes that there are opportunities to Taiwan silicon carbide compound industry by devoting to licensing-in seasoned silicon carbide technologies, innovating value-added silicon carbide services, developing and manufacturing key production equipment, establishing strategic alliance, and conducting merger and acquisition to foreign silicon carbide companies. Following above measures, the prosperity of Taiwan silicon carbide compound industry will be ultimately achieved.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363008
Appears in Collections:Thesis