Title: 臺灣地區公共運輸使用率之影響因素
Affecting Factors of Public Transportation Usage Rate in Taiwan
Authors: 曾瀚陞
Tseng, Han-Sheng
Feng, Cheng-Ming
Hsieh, Cheng-Hsien
Keywords: 公共運輸;使用率;影響因素;迴歸分析;Public transportation;Usage rate;Affecting factors;Regression analysis
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract:   在早期私人運具較為普遍之前,公共運輸一向是臺灣一般民眾日常生活中最常使用之主要交通工具;然而隨著汽機車等私人運具的普及,公共運輸的客源便逐年迅速流失。但臺灣身為一個人口稠密的島國,公共運輸使用率的低落將造成國內交通擁擠的情況日益嚴重,故公共運輸使用率的提昇將是各級政府亟需重視的課題。
  1. 家戶經常收入、老化指數、私人運具持有比例及都市計畫區人口數比例對公共運輸使用率均有顯著之影響關係。
  2. 政府相關部門可運用「針對資源較匱乏之縣市提供相關補助」、「提供老年人口更加友善之公共運輸搭乘環境」、「降低民眾持有及使用私人運具之意願」及「運用大眾運輸為導向之都市發展(TOD)理念進行都市計畫區之設計規劃」等策略以提昇公共運輸之使用率。
Public transportation had been the most commonly used vehicle of the people in Taiwan before the private vehicles became common. However, with the popularity of private vehicles, the usage rate of public transportation was dropped rapidly. But as a densely populated island, the low usage rate of public transportation will cause the more serious traffic congestion in Taiwan. Therefore, the promotion of public transportation usage rate will be an urgent issue for the government in Taiwan.
This study will discuss the affecting factors of public transportation usage rate of counties in Taiwan. First, the study will define the scope of "public transportation"; secondly, the study will select the factors that affect the usage rate of public transportation and then establish a model. Finally, this study will use the method of regression analysis to verify the factors that affecting the usage rate of public transportation.
The main conclusions of this study are as follows:
1. The household income, aging index, the holding ratio of private vehicle and the population ratio of urban planning district all have significant influence on public transportation usage rate.
2. The Government may use the strategy such as “providing the subsidy for impoverished area”, "providing a friendlier public transportation environment for the elders", "reducing the willingness to hold and use private vehicles" and “using the concept of transit-oriented development (TOD) to design the urban planning district” to promote the usage rate of public transportation.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363604
Appears in Collections:Thesis