Title: 三相半橋交直流功因校正電路之無電流感測控制
Current Sensorless Control for Three-Phase Half-Bridge AC/DC PFC Converter
Authors: 趙南誌
Chao, Nan-Chih
Chen, Hung-Chi
Keywords: 三相半橋整流;功因校正;無電流感測控制;Three-Phase Half-Bridge Rectifier;Power Factor Correction;Current Sensorless Control
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本論文以無電流感測控制實現三相半橋交直流功因校正電路。在控制架構上,不同於傳統多迴路回授控制架構需要回授輸入電壓、輸出電壓以及電感電流,本文提出僅回授輸入電壓和輸出電壓的無電流感測控制架構,用以控制輸入電流達到功因校正和輸出穩定直流電壓之目的。此外,在不需要回授輸入電流的情況下,不用考慮電感電流的取樣及偵測,故無電流感測控制除了減少感測元件數目亦可降低控制架構的複雜度。 最後,本文以德州儀器生產的DSP TMS320F28335晶片實現所提之無電流感測控制,經由模擬及電路實作,驗證所提之無電流感測控制確實具有功因校正之特性。
The current sensorless control for three phase half-bridge converter with power factor correction (PFC) function is presented in this thesis. Compared with conventional multiloop control methods, the proposed control strategy only requires two line voltages and two capacitor voltages to regulate the output voltage and achieve power factor correction. On the other hand, this control scheme can reduce the cost of circuits and simplify its complexity because there is no current sensor. Eventually, all the algorithms are implemented in a DSP chip TI TMS320F28335. The provided simulation and experimental results show the good performances of the proposed current sensorless control method.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070460611
Appears in Collections:Thesis