Title: 3D 列印製次微米級解析度線性定位器
3D-Printed Linear Positioner with Submicrometer Resolution
Authors: 郭胤言
Kuo, Yin-Yen
Hung, Shao-Kang
Keywords: 3D列印;精密定位;機電整合;3D printing;precision positioning;Mechatronics
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本論文研究利用3D列印技術製造之線性定位平台,其中機構設計上透過槓桿式放大機構搭配薄板式撓性機構做導引,以期能夠應用於精密加工中。定位平台的致動採用兩個壓電致動器串聯而成,壓電致動器具有高解析度、快速的響應速率、體積小和推力大等優點使得其常被用於精密定位平台的驅動上。 相較於傳統金屬線切割技術的高成本而言,透過3D列印技術,能夠更有效率地製造或客製化定位平台,大大降低了人力、時間及金錢成本。搭配雷射位移感測器對定位平台施以回授控制並經過實驗的驗證,本研究之定位器系統可以達到150微米的全行程及0.1微米的解析度。
This research presents a 3D-printed linear positioner. The positioner consists of lever amplification mechanism and leaf spring flexure hinges, and it is expected to apply to the field of precision manufacturing. Two piezoelectric actuators are in series to actuate the moving stage. With the advantages of high resolution, fast response, small volume and large clamping force, piezoelectric actuators are often applied to precision positioners. Compared to Electrical Discharge Machining process, 3D-printing technique can not only fabricate and customize positioners more efficiently but also cost less. Integrating a laser displacement sensor and feedback controller, the positioner has 150 micrometer full stroke with 0.1 micrometer resolution.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070451018
Appears in Collections:Thesis