標題: 一秒鐘到教室─跳脫空間限制的虛擬實境教室
Evolution: From Video Lectures to Virtual Reality Classroom
作者: 陳奕廷
Chen, Yi-Ting
Wang, Yu-Shuen
關鍵字: 虛擬實境;Virtual Reality
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 我們將在線學習的方式從教學影片擴展到虛擬實境的教室。目標是將學生對周遭的感知從家裡轉移到虛擬教室裡面,使他們更加的沉浸在學習的氣氛當中。除此之外,我們開發的系統可以讓多名學生同時進行學習。當他們在課堂中遇到任何疑惑時,都能夠與彼此互相討論;他們也可以互相激勵以完成整堂課程。 然而,將學習環境轉換到虛擬教室不是一件容易的事情,因為當學生戴著頭戴式顯示器時,抄寫筆記會是一件非常困難的。為了解決這個問題,我們在桌子上安裝了一塊繪圖版並使用這塊繪圖版來追蹤觸控筆的位置及朝向。當觸控筆在真實世界出現時,我們也會同步在虛擬教室中渲染出虛擬的筆。因此,當學生在虛擬教室的桌上看見筆時,他們便能夠在現實世界中伸出手抓到現實中的觸控筆;在觸控筆碰到繪圖版前,他們也能夠知道即將下筆的位置。此外,我們也透過添加一些額外的功能來改進目前的筆記系統,例如:校正以及編輯功能等等。我們將抄寫筆記以及拍照功能整合進虛擬教室以幫助學生節省抄寫筆記時的心力,從而能夠將更多的注意力放在上課的內容。我們也紀錄了每個筆畫的下筆時間以幫助學生節省複習時所花費的時間,學生只要圈選一段筆記,就可以重新學習筆記所對應的課程內容。為了評估我們的系統,我們執行了20位受測者的使用者研究。他們給了我們不錯的正面回饋以及肯定虛擬教室的作用。
We extend the online learning from video lectures to virtual reality (VR) classroom. The goal is to perceptually transform students from their home to a virtual classroom so as to make them immerse in the phenomenon of learning. In addition, the presented system allows multiple students to study simultaneously. They can discuss with each other when they get confused in a class; they also can push each other to complete a course. However, the extension to VR classroom is challenging. Students would have problems in taking notes when they wear a head mounted display. To solve the problem, we install a pen tablet on the desk and track the pen's position and orientation. Our system renders the virtual pen in the VR classroom as the physical pen appears in the physical environment. Therefore, when students see a virtual pen somewhere on the desk, they can reach their hand for the physical pen; they also can know the position they will draw or write before the pen touch the tablet. In addition, we improve the presented note taking system by adding several functions such as correction and post-editing. We integrate the note taking and photograph in the VR classroom to help students save effort from writing and pay more attention to the class. We also record the time of each stroke on the note to help students review a lecture. Students can select a part of their note to relearn the corresponding segment. Figures and the accompanying video demonstrate the feasibility of the presented VR classroom. To evaluate the presented system, we conducted a user study with 20 participants. They gave us quite positive feedback and confirmed that VR classroom is effective.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070456606