標題: 材料力學虛擬教室
Virtual classroom of mechanics of materials
作者: 陳奕銘
Chen Yi Ming
Lin Chang Yu
關鍵字: 虛擬實境;材料力學;Virtual Reality;Mechanics of materials
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 摘 要 在土木工程教學上,往往由於限於課堂上的講解,無法真正將土木工程這種實務性的學科,具體的表現出其力學效應,如果可以透過虛擬實境的製作,讓學生無須到工地,就可以看到相似的結構變形行為,不但可以每年減少許多實驗材料,更可以減少學生在工地因疏忽而發生的意外事件。 本研究的目的就是製作一個虛擬的教學環境,依據相關理論與技術,以達到教導學生材料力學。虛擬教室中,除了有各種教學的資訊(包括應力應變、軸力分析、扭矩分析、彎曲分析等多個主題教室)另外再加上利用互動式對話窗來呈現的十七道材力複選題,以及聲音的講解進而研究虛擬教室在教學上的表現及成效。 本研究成果得知,虛擬實境聲光效果的確可以吸引學習者的好奇與新鮮感,增加學習者的學習意願,同時還可以了解學生在其學習的效果與收穫;另外又增加立體眼鏡、虛擬手套的使用,更可以加強學生在虛擬環境中的參與性與沉溺度,達到教學的真正目的。
ABSTRACT In traditional teaching environment of civil engineering, it is often limited to explain mechanical theory in classroom. However, some mechanics concepts can not be "seen" in this way. Such as stress, strain and deformation of structure. It is possible to apply the technique of virtual reality to prove this. If the students can see structure deformation with "Virtual reality", it reduces a lot of materials and accident occur at a construction site because the students were neglectful of safety. The purpose of this study is to establish a virtual environment to teach the students the mechanics of materials in accordance with theory and technique. In the virtual classroom , there are various information(including the topics of stress- strain、axial analysis、torsion analysis and moment analysis). Besides, use "interactive dialogue box" and "sound" to show 17questions about mechanics of materials and then research behavior and effect of virtual classroom in the educational world. Through this research, we find the virtual reality can attract the students, increase pleasure and know the students' learning effect. Specially, the students can enhance "participation" and "immersion" by using 3-D glasses and virtual gloves to reach purpose of education.