標題: 整合虛擬實境與參數式建模環境應用於建築設計教育之實作
Integrating Procedural Modelling Process and Immersive VR Environment for Architectural Design Education
作者: 林均恒
Lin, Chun-Heng
Hsu, Pei-Hsien
關鍵字: 建築設計教育;多人設計討論;參數設計;虛擬實境;Architectural Design Education (Studio Education);Multi-user System;Procedural Modelling;Virtual Reality
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 近年新一代的沉浸式VR設備以輕量化及平價的姿態出現於市場上,引起空間設計相關領域的興趣,將其應用於設計成果的呈現,使他人能以接近真實的視角在空間中穿梭,然而VR技術與空間設計間的關連似乎不應僅止於觀看,本研究嘗試將這項技術與建築設計教育結合,讓師生從自然視角感受設計想法之餘,還可以在VR環境下直接與模型互動,同時也支援參數設計的參數調整,藉著調動模型與參數來輔助設計概念的討論,為此,本研究整合新型沉浸式VR設備、3D建模軟體與參數建模環境,打造出輔助建築設計教學的系統,幫助師生於VR環境中交換彼此的意見,並發展設計,但在進行初步實作的User Study之後,發現在VR環境內進行設計課並不盡然都具備優勢,視野限制使得討論的進行需要更多的輔助,所以本研究針對多人討論輔助功能加以探討、規劃及修正,以追求更加完整的設計討論體驗,另一方面,本系統基於數位工具的特性,使建築設計教育課程不一定需要於特定地點及特定時段進行,給予學生自主適性學習與接收多元觀點的機會,期望能為建築設計教育提供另一種學習方式。
The lightness and the affordable price of new VR device make it more accessible to people. Base on the new device, this study combine it into architectural design class to improve learning experience. Instead of simply using VR as a visualization tool of design concept, the manipulations of 3D elements and adjustments of design parameters (if modeled by parametric modelling) should be implemented in VR to provide further supports for a design process. Thus, this study integrates 3D modelling tool, procedural modelling environment and VR platform into a system to fulfill the idea mentioned above. A multi-user integrated system is proposed to help teachers and students discussing on architectural design class. Although VR presents design space naturally, there are still some shortcomings emerging after a series of user study. Because of the limit of the sight, people need more help to get information from each other when they discuss in VR environment. The discussion aids in system are rethought and designed to meet the needs. In addition, the properties of digital tools give an opportunity to conduct architectural design course deferent from conventional way. The class can be held asynchronously. The asynchronous learning mode helps students learning in a more flexible way. They can also be inspired with more diverse opinions during the course.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070459507