標題: 虛擬實境建築設計討論系統
VR Environment for Architectural Design Education
作者: 鄒佳宏
Tsou, Chia-Hung
Chuang, Jung-Hong
關鍵字: 虛擬實境;人機互動;電腦輔助工具;Virtual Reality;Human Computer Interface;Computer-Assisted Instruction
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 在傳統的建築教育課程中,紙筆以及實體建築模型為討論過程中常用的工具。實體的建築模型難以在討論過程中即時進行修改,同時也必須透過想像才能體會到實際身處在建築中的感受,以及各個建築物件排列後所產生的空間感。圖紙上的描繪,包含標高、空間分割以及註解等等,是討論過程中,老師與學生們分享自己的想法以及給予意見的常用工具。在本文中,我們針對建築設計教育課程,提出一個整合三維建模以及虛擬實境 (virtual reality) 的系統。使用者們可以透過系統在虛擬環境中進行設計討論,並且能即時對三維建築模型進行修改,包含個別物體幾何轉換以及群組物體的編輯。同時系統也支援程序化三維建模,使用者能夠在虛擬實境中即時修改模型參數來變更建築模型樣式。討論過程中可利用描繪工具來表達自己的想法。三維的描繪工具可以創造出實體物件,二維的描繪工具可以在物件表面加上說明或是註解。最後在討論過程中,回溯系統可以幫助使用者將模型回溯到過去的狀態,並且在此狀態下進行新的討論,產生出新版本的模型樣式。
In tradition architectural design education, instructor and students share and discuss their ideas through drawings and models. Physical models are hard to be modified during discussion, and it is difficult to view the interior spaces. Drawings, including plans, elevations and sections, are generally used as a medium for the purpose of presentation and discussion. We propose an integrated system to support architectural design education, in which multiple users can not only explore and discuss 3D designs in a VR environment, but also manipulate 3D elements. This system also integrates procedural 3D modeling, providing users with the capability of modifying 3D designs through adjustments of parameters. For the discussion purpose, a free-hand sketching tool is developed. Users can sketch their ideas, as they do with paper and pen, or use sketching as an adjust interface for geometry operations. During the discussion, log visualization system can help users quickly return to a previous state of models. Then, users can start a new discussion and produce a new version of models.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070456619