標題: 遊戲化即時回饋系統對國中生內外在動機、 學習投入度、注意力與學習成效的影響
Effects of a Gamified IRS on Junior High School Students' Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Engagement, Attention, and Learning Performance
作者: 謝佩勳
Hsieh, Pei-Hsun
Sun, Chih-Yuan
關鍵字: 遊戲化;即時回饋系統;內外在動機;學習投入;注意力;腦波生理訊號;Gamification;IRS;Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation;Student Engagement;Attention;Brainwave Data
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究將遊戲化元素與即時回饋系統結合,開發一套遊戲化即時回饋系統,並探討其對國中學生內外在動機、學習投入度、注意力與學習成效之影響。本研究採準實驗研究法,透過內外在動機量表、學習投入度量表、集中注意力量表、學習成效測驗卷、腦波儀(用以採集學習者的注意力數值)及開放式問卷蒐集量化與質性資料進行分析。 研究對象為新竹地區某公立國中一年級六班共144位學生,並將其分派至控制組(48人)、實驗A組(50人)與實驗B組(46人)。控制組接受傳統投票教學,投票答題活動以小白板書寫方式進行;實驗A組利用一般即時回饋系統─clicker進行課堂投票活動;實驗B組則使用本研究開發之遊戲化即時回饋系統─Interactive, Feedback-based In-class Teaching System 3(iFIT3)進行教學。實驗過程中同時蒐集各組部分學生(45人)之腦波生理訊號,了解注意力持續情形。 研究結果顯示,三種不同投票工具各有其好處。使用遊戲化即時回饋系統進行課堂投票活動,其趣味性、互動性、競爭性和新奇感,有助於學生內在動機、整體學習投入度、情緒投入度及集中注意力的提升;使用clicker進行投票,相較於小白板組別,對內在動機有顯著的好處;而小白板書寫投票方式則有促進知識、理解、應用等低層次思考的效果。 本研究透過遊戲化即時回饋系統,營造愉快、充滿挑戰感的課堂氣氛,有效引起學生學習的內在動機,使學生更主動投入學習過程,且更能將注意力集中於課堂,促進課堂知識的吸收。未來可嘗試將遊戲化元素與其他教學工具結合,進一步擴大遊戲化學習的好處,抑或在遊戲化即時回饋系統上,發展更多遊戲化功能,以提升學生學習成效。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the gamified IRS on junior high school students' intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, engagement, attention, and learning performance. The study utilized a quasi-experimental research design. The instruments included an intrinsic and extrinsic motivation scale from MSLQ, a school engagement scale, a focused attention scale from the enjoyment of web experiences scale, a learning performance test on English, the MindWave Mobile headsets (to collect sustained attention data), and an open-ended questionnaire. In order to assess the differences in intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, engagement, attention, and learning performance among the groups of small whiteboard, IRS, and gamified IRS, the study collected the data from six classes at a junior high school in Hsinchu. The participants were 144 students who assigned into a control group (N = 48), an experimental group A (N = 50), and an experimental group B (N = 46). The control group used the small whiteboards during the voting activities; the experimental group A used clickers for voting; the experimental group B conducted gamified IRS activities using Interactive, Feedback-based In-class Teaching System 3 (iFIT3). Additionally, the brainwave data were collected during the experiment (N = 45). The results showed that the three different voting tools have their own advantages. The fun, interactivity, competition and novelty from gamified IRS improved students’ intrinsic motivation, the overall student engagement, the emotional engagement, and the focused attention. Compared to the small whiteboard group, the intrinsic motivation of the clicker group was significantly higher. The writing and voting methods on small whiteboard can promote the low-level thinking of knowledge, comprehension, and application. This study suggests that gamified IRS can create the fun and competitive classroom. It also effectively improves students’ intrinsic motivation, invigorate the classroom atmosphere, motivate students to actively participate in the class, and focus on the course materials. Future studies may combine other teaching tools and game elements to further expand the benefits of gamified learning, or incorporate more gamified modes on gamified IRS to enhance student learning performance.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070459632
Appears in Collections:Thesis