標題: 以企業社會責任面向探討企業推動環境教育 之做法與內涵:以光電廠為例
Research on the Practice and Connotation of the Promoting Environmental Education by the Corporate Social Responsibility of Enterprise - A Case Study of an Optronics Corporation
作者: 陳昭佑
Chen, Chao-Yow
Bai, Hsun-ling
關鍵字: 企業社會責任;環境教育;問卷調查;次級分析;性別意識;Corporate Social Responsibility;Environmental education;Questionnaire;Secondary qualitative analysis;Gender consciousness
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 過去企業只著重於經濟與利益上的考量,近年企業融入永續的思維,將經營考量層面加入了「環境」與「社會」等面相,以善盡企業公民責任,共創永續未來。本研究以某光電股份有限公司推動環境教育的個案進行探討,輔以個案之員工問卷調查與統計方法,回收105 份問卷,並利用SPSS統計軟體,進行資料彙整與分析,瞭解企業員工於不同背景變項對於研究結果之可能顯著差異。並針對多家光電廠發行之企業社會責任報告書內容,進行環境教育做法分析。 研究結果顯示,89.5%員工認同企業有責任扮演好社會公民角色,推廣環境教育,在受訪者較為關注之環境教育議題主要為氣候變遷、災害防救與自然保育領域。各面向活動中,有80%員工對多面向類型環教活動最期待。經本研究分析,年齡較長與教育程度越高者,分別對環境教育關心與敏感度有趨勢正相關;在性別意識上,男性對公害防治領域關心程度顯著高於女性員工。光電產業推行之企業社會責任面向中,在環境教育各領域上皆有觸及,其係透過內外部教育訓練與機關合作方式執行。而規劃設置環境教育場所可同時提供多元面向環境教育與專業解說,為企業與社會間提供一座環境教育資訊傳遞與交流之重要平台。
In the past, most enterprises only focused on the consideration of economy and interests. In recent years, enterprises have introduced sustainable thinking, and have integrated the environment and society into the enterprise management so as to create corporate social responsibilities and sustainable future. This study is to take the promotion of environmental education by an Optronics Corporation as an example, supplemented by the case of staff survey and statistical methods. A total of 105 questionnaires were collected and SPSS statistical software was used to compute and analyze the data to understand the possible significant differences between the different background variables of the employees. This study also carried out analytical studies of environmental education practices for the content of corporate social responsibility reports issued by a number of photovoltaic plants. The results of this research show that 89.5% of employees agree that enterprises are responsible for playing the role of social citizenship and to help promote environmental education. The respondents focus on environmental education issues mainly for climate change, disaster prevention and conservation areas. There are 80% of the employees who are looking forward to the multi-faceted environmental education activities. Through this research, it was found that with the elder age and higher education, the percentage of employees who have environmental education concerns and sensitivity tend to increase. In gender differences, men are obviously more concerned about the field of pollution prevention and control than female employees. It seems that optoelectronics companies have touched all areas of environmental education. It is done through internal and external education, training and cooperation. And planning to set up environmental education venues can also provide a wide range of environmental education and professional commentary for enterprises and the community as an environmental education information exchange platform.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079876509
Appears in Collections:Thesis