Title: | 恐怖電影中「展現性」與「宿命性」特質影響觀影情緒之效果研究 The impact of appearance and predestination on horror films viewing experience |
Authors: | 林籼君 陳延昇 Lin, Sian-Chun Chen, Yen-Shen 傳播研究所 |
Keywords: | 恐怖電影;展現性;宿命性;情緒;感知真實;horror film;appearance;predestination;emotion;perceived realism |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 近年來在台灣電影放映生態裡,恐怖片數量亦持續上升。恐怖電影做為刺激、可怕又能帶來娛樂的文本,在M型化的電影市場佔有重要地位。而透過票房與網路討論度來看,恐怖電影似乎也能帶來不同層次的愉悅或滿足,故閱聽人端的情緒反應具有評斷恐怖電影價值的決定性因素。而這些情緒的差異又來自於文本內容結構,因此本研究首先對文本面向進行探討,解析當代東、西方混合式恐怖文本下特有的特質-展現性與宿命性。再從特質的調配檢視誘發的情緒效果。並同時對可能影響恐怖電影文本的情緒反應加以觀察,包括觀眾對劇情內容感知真實程度與觀看的恐懼感。另外,本研究亦提出後續情緒的轉變可能性,來理解恐怖電影文本本質對閱聽眾情感影響的持續效果,做更全面的探討。研究方式以實驗法進行,除了當下的實驗與問卷,兩天後再寄送追蹤問卷連結讓受測者填寫。研究結果發現,因果報應觀念的恐怖電影能帶給觀眾較高的欣賞感,且其效果持續可達兩天,而因果報應搭配本體恐懼情境時會有最佳的欣賞感。恐懼感無法作為恐怖電影對娛樂體驗之中介。不過,閱聽人的感知真實程度能調節宿命性與欣賞感之間的關係,且感知真實程度越高,欣賞感會越高。情緒持續的部分,可以發現對恐怖電影的恐懼感會隨時間降低,而享樂與欣賞則會經過思考與後設評估而逐漸提高,提升好感度。 In resent years, the horror film productions gradually rises in Taiwan. Horror film is a text which can bring excitement, fearful and entertainment. It plays an important role in M-form market. By box office and discussion on the Internet, we can find that the horror film can induce audience different levels of pleasure and satisfaction, so the emotion is a key point to judge the films’ value. These different emotion and reaction are due to the text content, so we analysis the modern horror film to find out their traits, appearance and predestination, at the first. Then, examine the effects of these two traits on audience’s entertainment experience. Also, this research test some variables which may influence the reactions, including fear and perceived realism to make the experiment more comprehensive. The experimental method was used to know their immediate fear, enjoyment, appreciation, and some variables. Also sent questionnaire to the subjects to get the meta-emotion after two days. According to the results, the “karma” of predestination induced more appreciation, and the effects can be maintained for two days. The “horror” of appearance and “karma” of predestination can induce audience’s appreciation. Fear can’t mediate between the horror film and entertainment experience. The perceived realism moderate the predestination and appreciation. Also, we found that the more perceived realism, the more appreciation. Over all, fear of horror films will decrease over time. In contrast, enjoyment and appreciation will increase. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259103 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/142628 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |