標題: 以情緒共生檢視恐怖電影的享樂感
Eliciting the Coactivation of Horror Film with Enjoyment
作者: 林姿君
Lin, Tzu-Chun
Tao, Chen-Chao
關鍵字: 情緒;情緒共生;恐怖電影;恐怖片;享樂感;生理心理測量;emotion;coactivation;horror movies;horror film;enjoyment;physiological and psychological measurement
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 人為什麼喜歡看恐怖電影?一直是傳播研究討論的議題,過去研究將這種現象,大 部分以強度模式、後果模式去解釋人觀看恐怖電影的享樂感,而情緒共生的觀點鮮少被 納入討論,過去研究也並未對「恐怖電影」明確定義,使得研究結果眾說紛紜。 本研究首先將恐怖電影定義為超自然、威脅、場景三種元素組成,並根據評估空間 模式所提出的情緒共生的可能性,假設恐怖電影所引發的情緒共生,會導致觀看結束後 的享樂感。實驗一以 2(超自然/非超自然)×2(有生命威脅/無生命威脅)×2(場景 符合/場景不符合)的研究設計,來測量參與者的情緒喚起、價性、情緒共生,是否會 導致觀看結束後的享樂感,並以觀看恐怖電影的頻率做為調節變項;實驗二以相同的實 驗設計,改為一個情境 2 次試驗,加入行為趨近/抑制做為調節變項。在實驗測量上, 除了自我報告情緒的量表,本研究也使用生理測量儀器來記錄皮膚電導反應以及臉部肌 電的活動,檢視參與者實驗過程中直接的喚起與正負面情緒的變化。 研究結果發現,情緒共生確實可以預測享樂感。人們在觀看恐怖電影時,會同時產 生正面、負面情緒,這種情緒共生的現象會影響觀看恐怖電影後的享樂感。換言之,情 緒共生程度越高,產生的享樂感也越高。但是恐懼趨近/迴避與行為趨近/抑制對情緒 共生並沒有調節的作用。
Why do people like to watch horror movies? Been the subject of dissemination of research and discussion, in the past, used Intensity-based model or aftermath-based model to explain the consequences of people watch horror movies, emotion coactivation are rarely included discussion ,also, they did not clearly defined " horror movies ". In this research, we defined horror movies constructed by supernatural, threats, scene , and according to evaluate space model, assuming horror movie triggered emotions coactivation, will lead to enjoyment after watching. In Study 1, the experiment employed a 2 (supernatural / non-supernatural) × 2 (threat to life / non-life threat) × 2 (Scene / no scene) , measure the participants emotional valence, emotional valence, enjoyment. And moderator is the frequency of horror movies watch; In study 2, the same experimental design, but every condition 2 trial , adding behavioral approach / inhibition as an moderator variable. The experimental measurements, above emotion self-reported , also uses physiological measuring instruments to record the skin conductance response and facial EMG activity, view participants arousal and valence of change. Study found that emotional coactivation can really predict the sense of enjoyment. When people watch horror movies, also have a positive, negative emotion and lead to enjoyment. In other words, the higher the degree of coactivation, the higher resulting sense of enjoyment.


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