Title: 探討硬碟片表面型態對於磁頭飛行的影響
Investigation of surface topography effect on drive head flying in hard disk
Authors: 呂思緯
Lu, Szu-Wei
Tseng, Yuan-Chieh
Keywords: 硬碟片;表面型態;磁頭飛行高度;波長;Hard disk;Topography;Head flying height;Wavelength
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 硬碟片以及用來讀取以及寫入的磁頭硬碟內部最重要的零件,隨著硬碟越做越小,硬碟片轉速越來越快,為了降低磁頭飛行的高度,近幾年,已有文獻指出,硬碟片表面的型態對於磁頭飛行高度以及穩定度有著很大的影響,對於目前的硬碟設計,我們需要去了解哪一種波長的型態對於磁頭飛行高度的影響是最大的,以此為指標來改善硬碟片表面的型態。
A hard disk and a read/write head are the most important parts in a hard disk drive (HDD). With the size of an HDD getting smaller and the rotation speed of a hard disk getting higher, a few studies in the last few years have indicated that the surface morphology of a hard disk has a significant impact on head flying height and stability. Thus, for designing an HDD, we need to verify which wavelength of morphology is optimum for head flying height and use it as an index to improve the surface morphology of a hard disk.
In this study, we used different conditions of polishing, annealing, sputtering and chemical etching to change the surface morphology of a hard disk. We used AE sensor (Acoustic Emission Sensor) for touch-down power measurement and optical surface analyzer (OSA) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) for measuring the surface morphology of the hard disk. Finally, we found that micro-waviness has a significant influence on the head flying height through a correlation analysis.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070452918
Appears in Collections:Thesis