標題: 國中客語文教育潛在課程之個案研究:以新竹縣華山國中為分析對象
A Case Study of Applying Hidden Curriculum to Hakka Education: Taking Huashan Junior High School in Hsinchu County as an Example
作者: 盧美禎
Lu, Mei-Jan
Lee, Mei-Hua
關鍵字: 國中客語文教育;顯著課程;潛在課程;個案研究;Hakka language education at junior high school;explicit curriculum;hidden curriculum;case study
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 臺灣政府從1993年開始致力於本土語文教育,至今已逾20個年頭。根據客委會歷年(從2007年至2016年)的客家民眾客語使用狀況調查研究:13歲以下和13至18歲的客家兒童、青少年的聽、說客語的比例最低。尤其是13至18歲的青少年會說客語的比例,在2017年2月客委會公布的「105年調查研究」中創下7%的歷史新低紀錄。13至18歲的青少年正處於國、高中階段,但因為升學的考量,全臺實施客語文課程的國中學校並不多。檢閱相關研究,多以研究國小的客語文教育為主,國中的客語文教育研究如鳳毛麟角。本論文以個案研究方法,根據潛在課程之理論架構,探討新竹地區之個案國中實施客語文教育的現況,分析其實施客語文教育的背景與遭遇的困難,並提出針對客庄地區國中未來發展客語文教育的建議。 本論文根據「境教」、「身教」和「制教」之潛在課程的理論架構,採取個案研究法,以新竹縣華山國中為分析對象,透過文獻分析法、非參與式觀察法、深度訪談法、開放式問卷調查法、以及符號學分析,探討華山國中個案的客語文教育的實施背景與現況。研究結果發現:華山國中身為客語生活學校,歷年來推動實施豐富的客語文顯著課程與潛在課程,校園中也建置大量的客語文境教符號。本論文針對客庄學校客語流失的危機,提出四項建議:一、學校可考慮開設課後、或寒暑假親子共學的客語文課程。二、為因應〈十二年國民基本教育課程綱要〉「校訂課程」的實施,應提升教師課程改革的知能。三、善用學校的環境資源,設計客語文的潛在課程,以凸顯學校的特色。四、修改「高中及高職多元入學方案」,提高學生學習客語的誘因。本研究希冀藉由華山國中個案之研究發現及研究建議,作為全國客庄學校實施母語或客語文教育之參考。
This thesis, a case study, explores the status of Hakka language education at Huashan Junior High Scool in Hsinchu County. By employing a variety of research methods, including literature analysis, non-participant observation, in-depth interview, and open-ended questionnaires, the current thesis aims to examine the applications of Hakka language courses at Huashan Junior High School. Specifically, the current thesis focuses on studying the applications of hidden Hakka language curriculum at Huashan Junior High, as well as analyzes its influences on the Hakka language education. The main findings of the current thesis are as follows: 1. Huashan Junior High school is currently facing and coping with the crisis of Hakka language disappearing upon the implementation of the “12-Year Basic Education”. 2. In addition to the explicit curriculum: "Hakka Language-Living School", the Huashan campus practices a wealth of hidden curriculum in the physical, social, and cognitive environment. Campus painting and the rewards system are two examples of the hidden curriculum. 3. School educators could design Hakka language courses for both students and their parents to be taught during the summer and winter semesters. 4. For the implementation of "12-Year Basic Education ", school educators should improve the curriculum in order to reform and design for the implementation of the “12-Year Basic Education”. 5. The school educators should make good use of the school's environment in order to design the “characteristic curricula.” The best way is to integrate Hakka language and culture into the courses in all Learning Areas. 6. The government should modify the "Multiple Entrance Program" for awarding students who pass the Hakka Language Proficiency Test before graduating from junior high schools.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070455503