Title: 教學元素管理融入5E教學模式之學習成效 -以神經傳導為例
The Effects of the Element-managed Instruction Integrated with the 5E Model on the Learning of Nervous System
Authors: 姜念薇
Chiang, Nien-Wei
Chen, Ming-Jang
Chiou, Guo-Li
Keywords: 教學元素管理;5E教學模式;認知負荷;神經傳導途徑;Element-managed Instruction;the 5E instructional model;cognitive load;The nervous system
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本研究旨在探討是否採用教學元素管理、以及是否採用5E教學模式教學,對學生學習神經傳導概念的影響。本研究採用準實驗研究法,將參與研究的159位七年級學生,以其班級為單位,分成「教學元素管理融入5E教學模式」、「教學元素管理結合一般教學」、「一般教學」三個組別,並分別對其進行生物課程之神經傳導途徑教學。教學結束後,在學習成效測驗、學習延宕測驗來評測其學習成效,並以認知負荷問卷來測量其對課程內容與活動的認知負荷感。根據單因子共變數分析(ANCOVA)的結果,三組學生在學習後測和延宕測驗的成績皆沒有統計上的顯著差異;然而,在開放式繪圖題分析中,三組學生的成績間有顯著的差異,參與「教學元素管理融入5E教學模式」的學生在開放式繪圖題的得分高於參與「一般教學」的學生。此外,在認知負荷方面,根據單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)的結果,三組學生對於課程內容與活動所感受到的「內在認知負荷」與「外在認知負荷」,並沒有顯著的差異,但在「有效認知負荷」方面,三組學生間有顯著的差異,且參與「教學元素管理融入5E教學模式」的學生顯著高於參與「一般教學」的學生。本研究結果顯示,以教學元素管理融入5E教學模式,能協助學習者組織教學元素並形成整體概念,進一步提升國中七年級學生對神經傳導歷程的解釋能力。
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of the 5E instructional model with Element-managed Instruction on the 7th graders’ learning of the nervous system. This study employed a quasi-experimental design, and the participants were 159 7th graders from six classes in a junior high school. The six classes were assigned into three groups which were taught the nervous system in three different ways, an integration the 5E instructional model with Element-managed Instruction (the experimental group A), a lecture with Element-managed Instruction (the experimental group B), and a lecture with general slides (the control group), respectively. After the course, a post-test and a delayed-test were given to examine the students’ learning outcomes, and the Cognitive Load Questionnaire was also administrated to measure the students’ perceived cognitive load during the class. According to results of one-way ANCOVA (analysis of covariance), there was no significant difference among the three groups in their post-test and delayed-test scores. However, based on the analysis of the students’ responses to the open-ended drawing questions in the delayed test, there was a significant difference among the three groups. In particular, the post-hoc tests showed that the students in the experimental group A scored significantly higher than those in the control group. In addition, no significant difference was found among the three groups in both their perceived intrinsic and external cognitive load of the learning materials and the learning activities based on the results of the one-way ANOVA (analysis of variance). There was, however, a significant difference among the three groups in their perceived germane cognitive load; the students in the experimental group A expressed significantly higher germane cognitive load than those in the control group. The results of this study indicate that the integration of the 5E instructional model with Element-managed Instruction helped learners select and organize the learning materials as well as construct an integrated schema of related concepts.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070152808
Appears in Collections:Thesis