標題: 結合教學元素管理之小組投票活動 對國小五年級學生英語高頻用字 學習成效之影響
The Effects of Enhanced Element-Managed Instruction Integrated with Collaborative Polling on 5th Graders' Sight-Word Reading Performance
作者: 張智惠
Chang, Clare
Chen, Ming-Jang
Sun, Jerry Chih-Yuan
關鍵字: 教學元素管理;小組投票活動;英語高頻用字;enhanced element-managed instruction;collaborative polling;sight words
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 本研究的目的旨在探討結合教學元素管理之小組投票活動對國小五年級學生英語高頻用字學習成效的影響。教學元素管理指的是將教材內元素間的交互關係做適當的切割處理,傳遞至學習者的認知系統進行整合以達成有意義的學習,並藉由小組投票活動輔助學生以合作學習的方式進行練習。本研究期望藉由此教學策略在有限的教學時間內增進學生的英語閱讀理解能力。研究對象為桃園縣某國小的六個班級共164名五年級學生。採準實驗研究法,實驗組採用結合教學元素管理之小組投票活動;控制組採用傳統教學呈現之小組投票活動。實驗時間為一堂課40分鐘。蒐集學習者之前、後測成績和四週後的延宕測成績,以獨立樣本t檢定和重複量數進行學習成效分析。 研究結果顯示,「教學元素管理」教學應用於英語高頻用字學習,對於低成就的學習者而言,在學習成就方面有顯著效果。以組內結果來說,「教學元素管理」對學習成效有所提升,「傳統教學呈現」則未見顯著效果。此外,開放式問答結果顯示教師在結合「教學元素管理」之小組投票活動時宜在學習樂趣和互動間取得平衡點。也就是說,結合教學元素管理之小組投票活動可有效提升學生對英語高頻用字的閱讀理解能力,特別是對低成就的學生幫助最大。 本研究發現,使用教學元素管理的方式能夠幫助學習者提升學習成效。當教材中的元素被適當的切割處理,傳遞進學習者的認知系統,就能成功進行元素互動並達成有意義的學習。尤其是對於低成就的學習者,教學元素管理的教材對他們的幫助很大。此外,本研究亦建議教學者適時使用平板電腦的小組投票活動,學習者喜歡上課時這樣的活動所帶來的互動性、樂趣和挑戰,這對學習成效是相輔相成的。 對於未來的研究,建議可擴大研究樣本、增長研究時間、增加教材的滿意度和挑戰性,並使用更多的平板電腦讓學習者做練習以兼顧「即時」 和「互動」。本研究成果希望能提供英語高頻用字、教學元素管理與小組投票相關之研究或教學之參考。 關鍵字:教學元素管理、小組投票活動、英語高頻用字
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of enhanced element-managed instruction integrated with collaborative polling on 5th graders’ sight-word reading performance. Enhanced element-managed instruction refers to properly process the element interactivities in the instruction materials into small blocks so that they can be delivered into learners’ cognitive system for integration to achieve meaningful learning. Collaborative polling strategy was applied to facilitate cooperative learning during the practicing activity during the class time. It was expected that this strategy can improve students' English reading comprehension within the limited teaching time. Participants were 164 5th graders enrolled in six classes in a primary school in Taoyuan County. The quasi-experimental research design was adopted. Enhanced element-managed instruction with collaborate polling was applied in the experimental group, while traditionally presented instruction with collaborative polling was applied in the control group. The duration of the experiment was 40 minutes. All the data collected from learners’ pre-test, post-test and delayed post-test scores were analyzed with independent sample t-test and repeated measures ANOVA. The results indicated that the performance of low achievers was improved significantly in the experimental group. Within the group, learning performance was improved in the experimental group, while no significant effect was found in the control group. Results of the open-ended questions indicated that teachers need to balance the instruction between learning fun and learners’ interaction. That is, enhanced element-managed instruction integrated with collaborative polling can effectively improve learners’ reading performance. It is especially of the greatest help for low achievers. The results of the study indicate that the enhanced element-managed instruction can help learners improve their learning performance. When elements are properly processed and delivered into the learners’ cognitive system, element interacting can be successfully achieved and meaningful learning occurs. In addition, the enhanced element-managed instruction is especially of great help for low achievers. It is suggested for teachers to incorporate collaborative polling with tablet PCs during the classroom instruction because learners like the interaction, fun and challenge which relate to and reinforce the learning effects. The study suggests the enlargement of the sample size, the increase of the research time, and the elevation of the satisfaction and challenge of the instructional materials. It is also suggested that more tablet PCs should be employed for the classroom activities in order to create a "real-time" and "interactive" learning environment. Recommendations for future studies related to sight-word instruction as well as collaborative polling are provided. Keywords: enhanced element-managed instruction, collaborative polling, sight words